Dr Ramesh Singh Pal, PhD

Senior scientist, Writer, Spiritual motivator
Senior scientist, Writer, Spiritual motivator

Ramesh Singh Pal, a scientist, spiritual motivator and thinker believes that to live a great life, there should be a balance in all four aspects, i.e. personal, professional, social and spiritual life. The author emphasizes that in the process of realization, everything is within, nothing outside. His experience and practice for an ascetic life have always helped him to cope up better with the dynamics and complexity of the scientific world with a detached view as Lord Krishna mentioned in Bhagavad Gita. For the last five years, he has also been associated with youth and society as a spirituaRead More...


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मृत्यु से मुक्ति तक

Books by डॉ. रमेश सिंह पाल

श्रीमद्भागवतम् महापुराण, हिंदू सनातन धर्म का एक विशेष पौराणिक ग्रंथ है। इस पुराण में भगवान कृष्ण तथा उनके भक्तो की कथाओ के माध्यम से मनुष्य जीवन के परम् लक्ष्य को बताने तथा उसक

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मृत्यु से मुक्ति तक

Books by डॉ. रमेश सिंह पाल

श्रीमद्भागवतम् महापुराण, हिंदू सनातन धर्म का एक विशेष पौराणिक ग्रंथ है। इस पुराण में भगवान कृष्ण तथा उनके भक्तो की कथाओ के माध्यम से मनुष्य जीवन के परम् लक्ष्य को बताने तथा उसक

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Spiritual Wisdom

Books by Ramesh Singh Pal

Everything and every word about spirituality have already been said but the practical utility of spiritual wisdom in day to day life to achieve success and live a blissful life is lacking. Spiritual wisdom not only shows us the path of salvation and freedom but also helps us to figure out the solutions for every problem in all walks of human life and civilization. Spirituality is a well-defined, scientific way to get any goal in life whether it is for justifie

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