Rathnakumar Raghunath

French Language Specialist, Singer, Actor, Film Maker, Entrepreneur and now Author
French Language Specialist, Singer, Actor, Film Maker, Entrepreneur and now Author

Rathnakumar Raghunath was born in 1988, in Chennai, India. While he was more inclined toward music as a child, as he grew older, he developed a passion for languages. In school, he wrote a couple of short stories and won the Camlin Young Author award for his work, "It Happened One Night: And It Changed My Life." He claims that his life changed the moment he saw the French-Canadian singer, Céline Dion, perform on a show on TV back in 2003. He fell in love with her pure talent and her down-to-Earth personality, and he was inspired to pursue courses in the French language in order to understand Read More...


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Charcuterie of Thoughts

Books by Rathnakumar Raghunath

★★★ From the Award Winning Author of Smörgåsbord of Musings ★★★

Charcuterie of Thoughts is Rathnakumar’s highly anticipated sophomore collection of poetry. 

Much like its previous iteration – Smörgåsbord of Musings – this book is a concoction made of love, life, laughter, anger, joy, despair, romance, disgust, yearning, pain, wonder, and hope. It's a tribu

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Charcuterie of Thoughts

Books by Rathnakumar Raghunath

★★★ From the Award Winning Author of Smörgåsbord of Musings ★★★

Charcuterie of Thoughts is Rathnakumar’s highly anticipated sophomore collection of poetry. 

Much like its previous iteration – Smörgåsbord of Musings – this book is a concoction made of love, life, laughter, anger, joy, despair, romance, disgust, yearning, pain, wonder, and hope. It's a tribu

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Books by Rathnakumar Raghunath

The Colemans have not gone on vacation in a long time. Excited by the offer to spend the weekend at a quaint little cottage outside of town, they embark upon the road trip that will change their lives forever.

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La Louve Vengeresse

Books by Rathnakumar Raghunath

Les Coleman ne sont pas partis en vacances depuis longtemps. Enthousiasmés par l'offre de passer le week-end dans un charmant petit chalet à l'extérieur de la ville, ils se lancent dans le voyage qui changera leur vie pour toujours.

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Hémorragie Oculaire

Books by Rathnakumar Raghunath

Dans cet ensemble de poèmes captivants, Rathnakumar Raghunath explore les nuances complexes de l'amour, de la douleur et de l'espoir. À travers des vers évocateurs, il peint un tableau émotionnellement puissant des relations, des luttes internes et des moments de 

Hémorragie Oculaire est une collection poignante qui laisse une empreinte durable, tout comme les é

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Books by Rathnakumar Raghunath

The Colemans have not gone on vacation in a long time. Excited by the offer to spend the weekend at a quaint little cottage outside of town, they embark upon the road trip that will change their lives forever.

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Smörgåsbord of Musings

Books by Rathnakumar Raghunath

★★★ Winner of the Author Pages Award 2021 for Best Debut ★★★

Smörgåsbord of Musings is a collection of poems, anecdotes and random thoughts expressed from the points of view of different people - men, women, non-binary persons, kids, teenagers, adults - all going through different things in life. People living happy lives, some not-so-happy lives, people in love, hopeless romantics, people dealing with heartbreak, the ones

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