
The author hails from the city of Deoria in Uttar Pradesh. Since his childhood he has had an inclination to study people and to read between the lines to understand them better. Suspense was his favourite genre to read and the adrenaline rush he had out of reading suspense thrillers eventually pushed him to pursue his passion and write down the stories that came to him. This novel is a culmination of his work of five years.Read More...



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This suspense thriller revolves around the professional and personal life of a detective, Mr Abhay Bakshi, and how he tries to strike a balance between the two. He is surrounded by few, but really close friends who stand by his side under all circumstances. Bakshi has his share of traumatic experiences and this makes him professionally tougher, but emotionally susceptible. As the story progresses, the reader is taken through a series of twists and turns provid

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