Raj Kumar Dogra

The Author is an Engineer and a veteran from Indian Air Force where he used to keep aircrafts fit and working. After 18 years of service, he gracefully took retirement and started a Technical Institute to train aspiring students of the area, to prepare as MPTs (Multi-Purpose Technicians). After training, those students are, today working in India and abroad and leading a respectful family life with handsome earnings. This veteran did not stop there but Joined YOG to explore further, as a result he stepped into a Social Organisation “AROGYA BHARTEE”. After that he wrote two Books, GYARead More...


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ज्ञान आरोग्यम

Books by राज कुमार डोगरा

यह पुस्तक बताती है कि बिना बीमारी और बिना दवाई के 100 साल कैसे जिया जाए। क्योंकि रोग होने पर दवाई तो लेंगे ही फिर बी कुछ ना कुछ कमजोरी तो अवश्य ही रह जायेगी। आज की व्यस्त व तनावपूर्ण

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ज्ञान का गुलदस्ता

Books by राज कुमार डोगरा

 इंजी०  डोगराजी ने “बंदूक से कलम" तक का सफर पूरी निष्ठा एवं निस्वार्थ भावना से तय किया है। वह समाज के भूले-भटके, कुंठित, बीमार , विकृत मानस्किता वाले लोगों का न सिर्फ मार्गदर्श

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Gyan Ka Jharna

Books by

This book is a compilation of short stories studded with several morals, thoughts filled with immortality and experience that should be passed on to every generation. The book will be eagerly sought after for its literary value as this is really a paragon of virtue. The compilation of many ingredients makes the book worthful so let’s taste with great relish. The title implies a strong connection between the permanent knowledge and reader’s mind. Based on r

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