Rupali Mokashi

Rupali Mokashi is Associate Professor and Head, Post Graduate Department of History at R K Talreja College affiliated to the University of Mumbai. She was awarded a Ph.D. in Ancient Indian Culture by the Mm. Dr. P. V. Kane Institute for Post Graduate Studies and Research of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai. Title of her doctoral Thesis was ‘Position of Women in Deccan as Gleaned through inscriptions: 200 BC-1200 AD.’ She is the recipient of the Justice K. T. Telang Research Fellowship awarded by the Asiatic Society of Mumbai. She has delivered talks on ‘women as recorded in the inscriptionsRead More...


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श्रीस्थानकाचे शिलाहार

Books by रुपाली मोकाशी

इसवी सन ८०० च्या सुमारास राष्ट्रकूट राजांनी कोकण प्रांताचा राज्यकारभार सांभाळण्यासाठी प्रथम कपर्दी याला कोकणचा राज्यपाल म्हणून नियुक्त केले. इसवी सन १२६० पर्यंत श्रीस्थान

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Shilaharas of Thane

Books by Rupali Mokashi

Inscriptions suggest that Kapardi I, founder of the Shilahara dynasty of Thane emerged in the early 9th CE as the feudal lord of the Rashtrakuta King Govinda III.    The Shilaharas have left several epigraphical footprints in the form of Copper Plate and Stone Inscriptions in North Konkan. Rupali Mokashi has presented an extensive and holistic study of the Shilaharas of Thane as gleaned through recently discovered epigraphical sources. These inscriptions hav

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