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"It was a wonderful experience interacting with you and appreciate the way you have planned and executed the whole publication process within the agreed timelines.”
Subrat SaurabhAuthor of Kuch Woh PalRupali Mokashi is Associate Professor and Head, Post Graduate Department of History at R K Talreja College affiliated to the University of Mumbai. She was awarded a Ph.D. in Ancient Indian Culture by the Mm. Dr. P. V. Kane Institute for Post Graduate Studies and Research of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai. Title of her doctoral Thesis was ‘Position of Women in Deccan as Gleaned through inscriptions: 200 BC-1200 AD.’ She is the recipient of the Justice K. T. Telang Research Fellowship awarded by the Asiatic Society of Mumbai. She has delivered talks on ‘women as recorded in the inscriptionsRead More...
Rupali Mokashi is Associate Professor and Head, Post Graduate Department of History at R K Talreja College affiliated to the University of Mumbai. She was awarded a Ph.D. in Ancient Indian Culture by the Mm. Dr. P. V. Kane Institute for Post Graduate Studies and Research of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai. Title of her doctoral Thesis was ‘Position of Women in Deccan as Gleaned through inscriptions: 200 BC-1200 AD.’
She is the recipient of the Justice K. T. Telang Research Fellowship awarded by the Asiatic Society of Mumbai. She has delivered talks on ‘women as recorded in the inscriptions’ at Oxford Center of Hindu Studies and at Stuttgart on 40th anniversary of Mumbai-Stuttgart twin city festival.
Presently in her continuing teaching career of twenty-five years Rupali Mokashi has presented and published over thirty-five research papers in journals of repute and authored chapters in books. She is the author of the book Alaukika, which narrates the history of lesser-known women from ancient Indian literature and epigraphical sources.
Rupali Mokashi’s keen interest in epigraphy has led to the discovery of new Copper Plates and Stone inscriptions of the Shilaharas of Thane. The book is an outcome of her decade-long pursuit of inscriptions of the Shilaharas of Thane.
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इसवी सन ८०० च्या सुमारास राष्ट्रकूट राजांनी कोकण प्रांताचा राज्यकारभार सांभाळण्यासाठी प्रथम कपर्दी याला कोकणचा राज्यपाल म्हणून नियुक्त केले. इसवी सन १२६० पर्यंत श्रीस्थान
इसवी सन ८०० च्या सुमारास राष्ट्रकूट राजांनी कोकण प्रांताचा राज्यकारभार सांभाळण्यासाठी प्रथम कपर्दी याला कोकणचा राज्यपाल म्हणून नियुक्त केले. इसवी सन १२६० पर्यंत श्रीस्थानक या राजधानीतून साडे-चारशे वर्षे शिलाहार राजांनी या प्रदेशावर राज्य केले.
कान्हेरी येथील कोरीव लेखांतून दिसणारे प्रथम कपर्दी, पुल्लशक्ती आणि द्वितीय कपर्दी, आपल्याच स्वकीयांकडून दुर्लक्षिला गेलेला छद्वैदेव, श्रीस्थानकास राजधानीचा दर्जा देणारा पराक्रमी अपराजित, ज्याचा ताम्रपट सर्वप्रथम ठाण्याच्या किल्ल्यात सापडला आणि शिलाहारांच्या इतिहासाला सुरुवात झाली तो अरीकेसरी, पाटपल्ली म्हणजेच आजचे अंबरनाथ येथे शिव मंदिराचे स्वप्न बघणारा छित्तराज आणि ते प्रत्यक्षात पूर्णत्वास नेणारा त्याचा भाऊ मुम्मुणी, राज्यकारभारात दक्ष असणारी राजमाता पद्मलदेवी आणि यादवांकडून सागरी युद्धात मारला गेलेला शेवटचा सोमेश्वर असे तब्बल पंचवीस श्रीस्थानकाचे राजे आज आपण पूर्णपणे विसरलो आहोत.
इसवी सन २००० पासून आजतागायत श्रीस्थानकाच्या शिलाहारांचे सहा नवीन ताम्रपट तसेच शिलालेख सापडले आहेत. रुपाली मोकाशी यांनी नवीन पुराभिलेखांचा अभ्यास आणि उपलब्ध असलेल्या पुराभिलेखांचे समग्र विश्लेषण या माध्यमातून श्रीस्थानकाच्या शिलाहारांचा इतिहास मांडला आहे.
श्रीस्थानकाच्या शिलाहार राजवंशाची सुधारित कालगणना हे या संशोधनाचे वैशिष्ट्य आहे. यातूनच महाकुमार केशीदेव या नवीन शासकाची माहिती मिळते. अल्पपरिचित झंझ तसेच दक्षिण कोकणातील चालुक्य राजा केदारदेव यांचाही उहापोह त्यांनी केला आहे. श्रीस्थानकाच्या शिलाहारांची सत्ता समाप्त झाल्यावर पोर्तुगीज सत्ता पाय रोवून उभी राहीपर्यंतचा घडून आलेला बदल कोरीव लेखांच्या माध्यमातून स्पष्ट करण्यात आला आहे.
Inscriptions suggest that Kapardi I, founder of the Shilahara dynasty of Thane emerged in the early 9th CE as the feudal lord of the Rashtrakuta King Govinda III. The Shilaharas have left several epigraphical footprints in the form of Copper Plate and Stone Inscriptions in North Konkan. Rupali Mokashi has presented an extensive and holistic study of the Shilaharas of Thane as gleaned through recently discovered epigraphical sources. These inscriptions hav
Inscriptions suggest that Kapardi I, founder of the Shilahara dynasty of Thane emerged in the early 9th CE as the feudal lord of the Rashtrakuta King Govinda III. The Shilaharas have left several epigraphical footprints in the form of Copper Plate and Stone Inscriptions in North Konkan. Rupali Mokashi has presented an extensive and holistic study of the Shilaharas of Thane as gleaned through recently discovered epigraphical sources. These inscriptions have unveiled new rulers like Mahakumara Keshideva. A revised chronology with the help of six new Copper Plate and Stone inscriptions of the Shilahara dynasty will be the highlight of this work.
Kings Jhanjha and Jaitugi are explored by her in the light of epigraphical data. Epigraphical references of coalescence of scribal class into a caste, Kumarisahasadanda and resettlement of the learned Brahmanas of Karad to North Konkan offer an insight into the society of early medieval North Konkan. A critique is done of Brahmanical, Buddhist and Jain sacred sites of North Konkan as gleaned through the inscriptions.
Rise of Chalukya King Kedaradeva vividly explains the emergence of contemporary power centres on the eve of decline of the Shilaharas of Thane in South Konkan. The transfer of power from the decline of Satavahanas to the rise of the Shilaharas of Thane, as well as from the decline of Shilaharas till the firm footing of the Portuguese in North Konkan is traversed with the help of epigraphical footprints. The author has discovered many stone inscriptions that had succumbed to vagaries of time and our neglect. They could not add to the epigraphical information. Yet, these inscriptions have been documented in the work for their historical value.
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