Sadar Kaintura

Sadar Kaintura was born on 4th January 1967 in a village called Houdu Lostu in Tehri Garhwal Uttarakhand, to Mr. Narayan Singh and Mrs. Bardei Devi. He has been teaching English in a school under the Central Government for the last two decades. He has authored poetry collections titled Grace of Solitude and Dew Drops. And a grammar book Clear Confusion in English Words.   He has received several recognitions and awards for his prestigious services. He nurses the belief that the young generation, if guided properly, can contribute vastly in creating a global village and shaping their careeRead More...



Books by Sadar Kaintura

Feathers is a collection of symbolical and inspiring poems written on different themes with specific aims and objectives. The feelings, emotions, and objects from our generous nature have been targeted to create the moral, ethical, and altruistic values to enlighten the paths of the readers.

Efforts have been incorporated to guide the young generation to know how to enable their feathers to let them fly successfully in the sky of eminence. The

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Dew Drops

Books by Sadar Kaintura

Dew Drops is a collection of poems written on different themes, each with a specific aim. The major focus is laid on the values that are direly needed for the present-day world. Several animals, plants, insects, material objects in our daily life, as well as human feelings and personal experiences have been portrayed with their individual values and the lessons that human beings can learn from them. Some prevailing social evils have also been targeted

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By Sadar Kaintura in Poetry | Reads: 330 | Likes: 0

SIR KD GREETS HIS VALENTINE First of all I pay my tribute; To the martyred Saint Valentine, Who had sacrificed his precious life With intent to make the love define.              He set example of unconditional love, Friendship, attachment & adoration, But He had to pay price for His act, Et  Read More...

Published on Feb 14,2021 02:24 AM

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