Sahana R

Sahana R is the author behind the @Summer McKenzie series. She has a keen mind and a creative flair that brings her fictional characters to life. Sahana is more like her heroine who wins the heart of readers with her wisdom, courage, and slapstick humor. She grew up sneaking away to read from the time she was old enough to hold a book. Sahana is a great teller of stories, but not all of them are true, for instance, like those in this fantasy book. In her other life, she is a middle-school student in pursuit of knowledge and education. When she is not writing, you can find her riding her bike, Read More...


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Summer McKenzie

Books by Sahana R

Twelve-year-old Summer McKenzie discovers that her life is going to be crazy...well, crazier than it used to be. She experiences a revelation that the Zodiacs affect her powers and her new house, and soon, a mysterious figure appears on her windowsill, asking her to go to a whole new world called the ‘City of Magique’… but that is the most normal thing that has ever happened to her. And that’s how she ends up in a school named ‘Crystaina High’ for

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