Saket Suryesh

Saket Suryesh is based out of NCR and routinely contribute to leading journals and newspapers like Jagran, OpIndia and DailyO. Saket works with a major IT Multinational has previously published collections of poetry and a well-received collection of stories in Hindi. Saket’s fondness and affection towards writing is spread uniformly between Hindi and English and is followed fondly for quirky, witty and quality posts on Social Platforms. Interest in Politics and matters of national importance prompted him towards a satirical take on the current socio-political scenario of India and is hisRead More...


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एक स्वर, सहस्र प्रतिध्वनियाँ

Books by साकेत सूर्येश

शिव पुराण का एक प्रसंग, समाचार पत्र की एक चौंधती हुई हैडलाइन, न्यूज़ चैनलों पर चीखती हुई एक ख़बर- अगले ही पल पतझड़ के पत्ते की भाँति तथ्यपरक अन्वेषण के ताप में मृत हो कर मिटटी में लुप्

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The Revolutionary

Books by Saket Suryesh

It was a cold morning, the Nineteenth day of December, in the year 1927, when a well-built young man, barely Thirty, walked to the gallows, with the chants of Vande Mataram on his lips in Gorakhpur prison. This death will be mourned by the patriots who would follow him in the struggle for Independence. This death will be forgotten by many in the years after independence. As the youth of today follows false heroes from the foreign lands, why do we know

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Ganjhon ki Goshthi

Books by

This collection of contemporary satirical essays in Hindi is a way of author to look at the current socio-political scenario and an attempt to recreate the magic of Hindi satire once visible in the world of Sharad Joshi, Shrilal Shukl and Harishankar Parsai. The author takes a dig at the inconsistencies of the modern world, modern value systems and modern politics, waltzing around with fictional heroes from the past. You have characters from Rag Darbari

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