Sanjay Chandra

Entrepreneur and Writer
Entrepreneur and Writer

Sanjay Chandra was born in a middle-class family in small-town India in 1959. He completed his professional degree in electrical engineering and joined the railway services. He first quit his railway job to join a government company, and then quit working for the government altogether to join the private sector. Eventually, he quit the private sector also and became an entrepreneur. He started writing his memoirs on social media when he realised that people from middle-class India still faced the dilemmas that he faced during his journey of life. Parents still considered engineering or medicalRead More...


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The Life and Times of a Common Man

Books by Sanjay Chandra

He was born in a middle-class family in small-town India of the late fifties.

His parents chose for him the direction that his life should take.

Yet, something was lacking.

Was this the path that he was meant to walk?

Did he want this?

He fought his chosen destiny at every stage of his life.

Would he be able to realise his true destiny?


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