Sanjyot Jairam Hardikar

Pickles, Lemonade, and Lots of Mumbo Jumbo is a collaborative effort by three mental health professionals—Sanjyot, Shreya, and Rajeshwari—who have come together to create a unique prompt journal designed to encourage self-reflection and exploration. Sanjyot follows an eclectic therapeutic modality, integrating her training in hypnotherapy, dance movement therapy, and Gestalt practice along with psychotherapy. She often relies on journaling prompts as a cornerstone of her therapeutic work, letting clients do the work of self-discovery. Sanjyot likes to call herself a “lazy therapist” beRead More...


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Pickles and Lemonade and a lot of Mumbo Jumbo

Books by Sanjyot Jairam Hardikar

In a world where life often hands us lemons, Pickles, Lemonade, and Lots of Mumbo Jumbo invites you to find the sweetness and spice in every moment. This journal is designed to propel you towards self reflection, creativity and joy through playful yet profound prompts. Whether you’re processing your emotions, seeking clarity, or simply looking to add a little fun to your day, this journal is your companion in discovering deeper insights and embracing the mes

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पिकल्स अँड लेमोनेड अँड ए लॉट ऑफ मम्बो जम्बो

Books by संज्योत जयराम हार्डीकर

आंबट-गोड , खारट, तिखट, तुरट अशा सगळ्या क्षणांची सरमिसळ असलेल्या जगाचा आपण भाग आहोत. संज्योत च्या या जर्नलमध्ये दिलेल्या विविध प्रॉम्प्ट्सच्या साथीने आपल्यापैकी प्रत्येकाचा स्

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पिकल्स अँड लेमोनेड अँड ए लॉट ऑफ मम्बो जम्बो

Books by संज्योत जयराम हार्डीकर

आंबट-गोड , खारट, तिखट, तुरट अशा सगळ्या क्षणांची सरमिसळ असलेल्या जगाचा आपण भाग आहोत. संज्योत च्या या जर्नलमध्ये दिलेल्या विविध प्रॉम्प्ट्सच्या साथीने आपल्यापैकी प्रत्येकाचा स्

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Pickles and Lemonade and a lot of Mumbo Jumbo

Books by Sanjyot Jairam Hardikar

In a world where life often hands us lemons, Pickles, Lemonade, and Lots of Mumbo Jumbo invites you to find the sweetness and spice in every moment. This journal is designed to propel you towards self reflection, creativity and joy through playful yet profound prompts. Whether you’re processing your emotions, seeking clarity, or simply looking to add a little fun to your day, this journal is your companion in discovering deeper insights and embracing the mes

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