Sarah Krishnan

Sarah Krishnan is an introvert with a passion for writing as she expresses her deep desires and personal experiences through her stories. She adores tea and rain as much as she loves chocolates. With these three ingredients, she can concoct any story that she feels. When she's not writing, she’s a bathroom singer, a teacher and an avid reader of fiction. Read More...

Thoughts of a Caged Bird

Books by Sarah Krishnan

Spiral into Dom’s thoughts as he realizes the horrific betrayal by his best bro whom he trusted with his life.

Self-harm is no joke. Walk through thought-provoking emotions that caused a young girl to mark her body with scars of pain.

Read about the chilling story as a young boy grew up to be a mirror image of his worst nightmare from school.

Walk with Josh as he struggles to accept his new family member, trying to replace his little angel

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By Sarah Krishnan in Thriller | Reads: 1,497 | Likes: 0

Shots! Shots! Shots!   I looked over my shoulder at the commotion and saw a bunch of guys cheering on a group of girls to take more shots. To be honest, half of them look wasted and about to pass out. I grinned and took one last finishing gulp of my drink.   “Ugghh! Those girls are s  Read More...

Published on Sep 4,2017 08:12 PM

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Sarah Krishnan's Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher

Sarah Krishnan

Sarah Krishnan is an introvert with a passion for writing as she expresses her deep desires and personal experiences through her stories. She adores tea and rain as much as she loves chocolates. With these three ingredients, she can concoct any story that she feels. When she's not writing, she’s a bathroom singer, a teacher and an avid reader of fiction. Read More...

Thoughts of a Caged Bird

Books by Sarah Krishnan

Spiral into Dom’s thoughts as he realizes the horrific betrayal by his best bro whom he trusted with his life.

Self-harm is no joke. Walk through thought-provoking emotions that caused a young girl to mark her body with scars of pain.

Read about the chilling story as a young boy grew up to be a mirror image of his worst nightmare from school.

Walk with Josh as he struggles to accept his new family member, trying to replace his little angel

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By Sarah Krishnan in Thriller | Reads: 1,497 | Likes: 0

Shots! Shots! Shots!   I looked over my shoulder at the commotion and saw a bunch of guys cheering on a group of girls to take more shots. To be honest, half of them look wasted and about to pass out. I grinned and took one last finishing gulp of my drink.   “Ugghh! Those girls are s  Read More...

Published on Sep 4,2017 08:12 PM

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