Schwaarn K Reddy

Schwaarn K Reddy considers himself a cross between the best of Clark Gable and Alain Delon in their youth’s prime. His wife and son graciously allow him the indulgence of his optical illusion. He loves food, Dixieland jazz, western classical music, entrepreneurial success stories, civil aviation and Tom Wolfe’s Bonfire of the Vanities. A unicorn startup is his next outing.Read More...


America Gets Its Alpha Male President Donald J Trump

Books by Schwaarn K Reddy

What would you call a man who,

risks standing alone in the midst of media mayhem, defiantly

proves every pundit wrong, nonchalantly

speaks his mind from his heart, steadfastly

bins his past laurels and conquers a historical win, unprecedentedly?

The Alpha Male,


Donald J Trump!

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