R K Shankar

The author is a Commerce Graduate from Madras University & subsequently did a Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management from Annamalai University. He has a rich experience of 40 years in Personnel & Human Resources and is actively involved in the field of Training & Development (T&D) for the last 20 years and has developed many training modules related to Human Resource Development. Currently he is working as Head (HR)/Lead Trainer with OCEANS XV Nautical Services Pvt. LTD., Lado Sarai, New Delhi and is also acting as Management Representative of its Quality Management SystRead More...


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The Art of Managing Human Power

Books by R K Shankar

Human Power is exponential and immeasurable. Effective utilization of the same is a great art indeed and involves lots of techniques. Handling the power within us and with others is not as easy as handling other resources (land, capital & entrepreneurship). No wonder, human resource functions have assumed greater significance in every organization in recent times. If a failure occurs in any of the aforesaid 3 resources, the root-cause for such failure is t

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The Art of Managing Human Power

Books by R K Shankar

Human Power is exponential and immeasurable. Effective utilization of the same is a great art indeed and involves lots of techniques. Handling the power within us and with others is not as easy as handling other resources (land, capital & entrepreneurship). No wonder, human resource functions have assumed greater significance in every organization in recent times. If a failure occurs in any of the aforesaid 3 resources, the root-cause for such failure is t

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By R K Shankar in General Literary | Reads: 630 | Likes: 0

Well, we have been talking about 21 day Lockdown period;. But how we are going to behave on day No.22. If all of us rush out of our houses as though we have been let free ( the way some people behaved on the evening on 22nd March after the Janta curfew ) then the whole purpose gets defeated. It call  Read More...

Published on Mar 31,2020 09:57 PM


By R K Shankar in General Literary | Reads: 536 | Likes: 0

Everyone has been brought down to surface level by Covid-19 what even the much expected 3rd World war* could not have brought. The silver lining is, it originated from China. The most affected country was Italy & not India who may be in the second stage. Otherwise, there would have been furore a  Read More...

Published on Mar 28,2020 11:37 AM

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