Shrutin Shetty

Product innovation consultant who works at the intersection of strategy, design thinking and behaviour.
Product innovation consultant who works at the intersection of strategy, design thinking and behaviour.

Shrutin Shetty currently focuses on consumer product innovation, consulting companies on creating products that are better aligned with their customers needs and wants. His work is at the intersection of management and growth strategy, design thinking, and human behaviour. He is a computer engineer with an MBA in Finance, has studied design thinking, and is a keen student of human behaviour. In his corporate career, he has worked in the BPO sector, in venture capital, metrology and industrial robotics. Since 2012, he has been consulting young driven companies across sectors and across the worRead More...


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Main Batata Hoon

Books by Shrutin Shetty

How do you close a plastic bottle? Just turn the lid until you feel a slight resistance, right? But what if you are really angry when doing it? Or you are someone who is horrified of germs? You might twist the lid too much, expanding or cracking it, which defeats the purpose of the lid. Simply because of your mood or mindset.

Now if you extend that example to our interactions with the world, you might start noticing how our views and beliefs, and our mo

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Design the Future

Books by Shrutin N Shetty

Any significant event that has occurred in the history of man has always been about people. From global conquests to curing epidemics, inventing cars, space travel and even simplifying our daily lives with technology. Design thinking, the overhyped and less understood mindset has intentionally or unknowingly been at the heart of innovations—from the simplest of them by individuals to make household chores easier, that no one might ever hear about; to those b

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