Smruthi Raagvndra

As a certified NLP practitioner with close to a decade of experience, Smruthi has helped many people transform their lives. With a passion for unlocking human potential, Smruthi is dedicated to making the powerful techniques of NLP accessible to everyone. Through her lively and engaging writing style, Smruthi takes readers on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Drawing on her extensive knowledge of NLP, Smruthi provides clear and practical guidance on how to use these techniques to achieve personal growth, overcome challenges, and create a life of abundance and joy. Whether you're a cRead More...


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My NLP Manual

Books by Smruthi Raagvndra

Do you want to take control of your mind and achieve your goals with ease? Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is your key to unlocking the power of your mind and creating the life you deserve. In this beginner's guide, you will discover the secrets of NLP techniques, including language patterns, visualization, and goal setting. With easy-to-follow exercises and real-life examples, you'll learn how to identify and dissolve limiting beliefs, overcome negative em

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Be the Pilot of your life

Books by Smruthi

What are the main challenges that readers of this book face?

When you are overwhelmed with all the things you have to do and find yourself with so little time left, you try to work around the clock to make ends meet. Sometimes, you try to stay on top of things, yet there are things that slip through the cracks. You feel thwarted, disheartened and powerless about how you organise time around your priorities.


If you are trying to regain b

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