Spondon Ganguli


Spondon Ganguli has started his career as an educator in the field of ICT in 2000 and worked in various schools, both ICSE and CBSE. He is an author and poet by passion.  He is a life-long learner with a zest for experimenting and learning new things. His other areas of interest, apart from teaching computer science and programming, are painting and photography. Read More...


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ফিরে আসা

Books by স্পন্দন গাঙ্গুলি

দুই বন্ধু - অরিন্দম ও রূপঙ্কর। একই এপার্টমেন্টে থাকে। একই স্কুলে এবং একই শ্রেণীতে পড়াশোনা করে। দুজন দুজনেরই অন্তরঙ্গ বন্ধু, হরিহর আত্মা বলা যেতে পারে। অরিন্দম যেখানে নির্ভীক

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মনের অভিব্যক্তি এক গুচ্ছ কবিতায়

Books by স্পন্দন গাঙ্গুলি

মনের অভিব্যক্তি, এক গুচ্ছ কবিতায় 

আমাদের মনের বিভিন্ন ভাবের অভিব্যক্তি কবিতার মাধ্যমে প্রকাশিত হয়। মনের সুখ-দুঃখ, আনন্দ-বেদনার মধ্যে জন্ম নেয় কবিতা।

আমার কবিতা কখনো প্

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Do Not Leave Me

Books by Spondon Ganguli

A story that will take you from the high rises of Bangkok to the paddy fields in Kalasin and you will find yourself amidst nature with beautiful waterfalls, monasteries and ancient pagodas.

Pavel is a 19-year-old spoiled brat busy with his multi-millionaire lifestyle. Booze, bars and girls are his preferred pastime.

But such a reckless lifestyle comes with a price. A gang of thieves assault him and take him far away from his home in Bang

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Let Me Hold Your Hand

Books by Spondon Ganguli

About the book

Sourav, a young man of 28 years, has a dream of becoming a famous author. But his family doesn't approve of his writing, and he is forced to forget about his dream. Later he take up teaching job in a government high school.

Preetam has always wanted to work in the IT field. But after a terrible accident, he lost both his legs. Traumatized and depressed by the event, Preetam gives up all his dreams of becoming an IT expert.

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Forgotten Love/Unforgotten Love

Books by Spondon Ganguli

Forgotten Love Unforgotten Love is a collection of poems that will preserve the thoughts and emotions of love and spark the joyous emotion and nostalgia of those days gone past. It is the perfect read to make you fall in Love again.

The poems will take you on a journey

- from the era of Prince and Princess to the present time

- from the ruins of an abandoned palace to the modern day football ground

- from a bittersweet heartbreak to

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The Black Raincoat

By Spondon Ganguli in Supernatural | Reads: 4,472 | Likes: 0

It would be quarter to twelve soon, almost midnight. It had been  raining heavily outside since morning  and I could not comprehend what to do. Mine was a small house in the hilly region of Darjeeling. It was on the outskirts of the main town towards the north and was a little elevated fro  Read More...

Published on Jun 27,2022 09:39 AM

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