Upturn Learning Solutions LLP

We are all about Socially Responsible Fun!
We are all about Socially Responsible Fun!

We are a start-up community organization that is all about Life-centered Learning. Our vision is to take critical topics that affect adults and children today and carefully curate meaningful, engaging and thought-provoking learning content, experiences and information around them. We build communities to enrich the learning experience through social and intellectual interactions. We aim to live responsibly and teach life skills by practicing sustainable development. We curate customized learning programs, webinars, expert talks, panel discussions, conferences for corporates, schools and parenRead More...


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Screen Smart Sam

Books by Sudhalini Devadason, Nicole Rawson

Technology plays an essential role in our lives today, but the overuse of devices among children impacts social skills, academic performance and physical activity while increasing the risk of depression and anxiety. Featuring engaging illustrations and easy-to-read language, Screen Smart Sam is a great conversation-starter for parents to talk about why limiting screen time is necessary and encourages families to use screens responsibly and stay digitally safe!

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வருமுன் காப்போம் வருத்தம் தவிர்ப்போம்

Books by அப்டரின் லேர்னிங் சொலுஷன்ஸ்

வருமுன் காப்போம் வருத்தம் தவிர்ப்போம், என்ற இப்பணிப்புத்தகம் குழந்தைகளிடையேஅவர்களின் தனிப்பட்ட பாதுகாப்பு என்ற 
கருத்தை அறிமுகப்படுத்துவதற்கான ஒரு வெளியீடு. 

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Safe Over Sorry

Books by Sudhalini Devadason And Ishwarya Kumar Ahmed

Safe Over Sorry (SOS) is a fun, interactive way to introduce children to the concept of personal safety. Designed with illustrations, engaging activities and age-appropriate safety lessons, we believe this workbook should be part of every family and classroom’s essential reading. 

Here are some of the topics covered:

• Safe & unsafe feelings & how to deal with them

• Recognizing & dealing with inappropriate touches

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