Sunil Kotla

Sunil Kotla, from Mahabubnagar (Telangana) is an engineer by chance and a writer by choice. Professionally, he worked for Infosys for 6 years and presently he is a Central Government Employee. He has won many accolades for his poetry, including a worldwide prize. Sometimes, his verses bring back the innocence of childhood and at times they dig into the deepest intricacies of life. The author is an avid blogger and a writer for social causes. The interesting aspect of his writing is his speed. He can churn out a poem on any theme in, as fast as 10 minutes. He is Hyderabadi from the heart! YouRead More...


I Believe, So I Live…

Books by Sunil Kotla

This book is a reflection of the author's opinion of life. It is a tool to express his feelings and views. This collection of poetry has a poem for everyone; every reader will resonate with the book at some point. It is about loving, hating and living life. The reader will be able to see an evolving change in style throughout the book.

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