
Dr. Suniti Rawat (MA, PhD – Journalism) has written more than 30 books including novels, stories and poems along with several books for children. She has also been a Hindi teacher and editor of several Hindi magazines. She has been a recipient of several prestigious awards including from Hindi Academy, NCERT (National Award), Uttarayani (Parvat Gaurav), International Human Rights, Chitrakala Sangam Samman among others. Several students have undertaken M.Phil. and PhD research on her books.Read More...


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श्रीकृष्णगीता (काव्य रूप) श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता

Books by डॉ. सुनीति रावत

श्रीमद्‌भगवद्गीता का यह हिन्दी काव्य रूप, सहज-सरल तो है ही, लयात्मक भी है। जिसे प्रभु चिंतन में आत्मलीन होकर गाया भी जा सकता है। श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता रुपी पावन ग्रंथ विश्वभर में आध

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