Om Badiyani, Sohum Fuke, Mihir Sangode

Om Badiyani, a student from Nagpur, is a fanatical reader and MUNner. He likes to travel and explore. He is an adventurer at heart with a love for technological innovations. He strongly believes that AI has incredible potential in the future.   Sohum Fuke is an ambitious, multi-faceted young lad. He has often engaged in programming and musical performances. He is a staunch metalhead and atheist, and totally believes that AI is going to rule over the world someday.   Mihir Sangode is not your everyday guy. He has a very uncanny perspective on life and is an adamant movieholic. He hopeRead More...


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Books by Om Badiyani, Sohum Fuke, Mihir Sangode

They were about to shut down their life simulation project when they discovered what was REALLY going on. The simulation had the potential to answer the two most probing questions that were ever asked: ‘What is the origin of life?’ and ‘What will be its end?’

Will this initiative be able to answer these questions or will it lead to the end itself?

In the midst of the chaos of war, mystery, science, space and technology, th

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