Trishita Dey

School student
School student

To my readers, All the pretty gorgeous faces, I wanted to say at first of all that I'm not a professional writer, I write because my love for writing is eternal. I write what I feel. So, I may make mistakes and I will be highly pleased to get your feedback. Exploring things, excavating new experiences and penning down them in diaries is kinda bliss to me. If you love my books, don't keep it to yourself. Recommend it to your friends or family members who might get inspired too. Reading is a great way not only for passing the time but also bringing out creative imagination. Thank you so much foRead More...


To the moon

Books by Trishita Dey

If you ever feel like you have nobody to talk with,

then talk to the moon.

It will read out some 

poems for you.

- You’re not alone my friend.

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She bleeds words

Books by Trishita Dey

Those significant castles we create are not the sandcastles those crumbles and get washed away. Rather those are like adamantine with oblivion thoughts that never perish. Actuation of human life is not creating material castles. All castles are not of marbles and stones but some are of sand which is flexible. Just like the thoughts we keep. The myths of human life lies in  the vast sea of gigantic memories. The flow of life is so unforeseeable jus

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Psychedelic Fairy tale

Books by Trishita Dey

The complication what we always see is not the same endured, The myths in human life are downtrodden and underlying in the seas of elephantine memories, Nothing is imperishable,everything changes, so does we.. What we always see is not the actually thing it bears, We need to focus a bit, we need a little bit of contemporary poems in our lives. Remember everyday is equally tempting,we are the ones who make it good and bad by our own illusion. If one day is

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Not always

By Trishita Dey in Poetry | Reads: 927 | Likes: 6

Not always with breaking of bonds,  everything  gets over. Sometimes  the attachments  still remain  aight and sometimes  it stays exactly  the same. The feelings don't really die it just remain unexpressed  and hidden. The memories, the laughters, the thousan  Read More...

Published on May 9,2020 05:46 PM

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