Vaishali Singh

Vaishali Singh holds a PhD in East Asian Studies from the University of Delhi. A scholar of China studies, she has spent one year at Shandong University studying Mandarin and two years at Peking University studying public policy. She has worked in think tanks and non-governmental organizations involving both theoretical and empirical research. Her research interest lies in India-China comparative studies, comparative political economy and public policy analysis.Read More...


Inclusive Growth and Development in India and China

Books by Vaishali Singh

As the exclusionary face of an unbridled pursuit of economic growth becomes a glaring reality, the development thinking has advanced the inclusive growth paradigm to give growth a participatory and all-embracing approach. Is this a real turn in development economics to genuinely uplift the hitherto excluded sections of society or just an old wine in a new bottle that is more rhetorical than transformative?


In her book, Vaishali Singh examines

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