Victor D'Monte

Based in Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Rev. Victor D'Monte has committed his life to fulfil the call that God placed upon him. Having founded the Adonai Ministries in 1986, Rev. D'Monte holds the position of Senior Pastor at the Adonai Church. Along with a Ministry Team, he and his wife, Annie, work together ministering to those who are emotionally, physically and spiritually broken. They have travelled extensively, bringing the message of Healing and Deliverance to Churches, organisations, and to many people across India and Overseas. Rev. D'Monte is also the author of the books 'Satan and hisRead More...


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Wholeness And Freedom Conference


Adonai Church organizes the Wholeness and Freedom Conference to bring God’s Healing Touch to people, through a clear understanding of God’s Heart for man.

These Conferences are residential, and are designed to impart the key biblical principles of Inner Healing, Deliverance and Discipleship, which are explained and illustrated with examples from extensive biblical research, training and ministry experience. This enables people to receive he

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Wholeness And Freedom Conference


Adonai Church organizes the Wholeness and Freedom Conference to bring God’s Healing Touch to people, through a clear understanding of God’s Heart for man.

These Conferences are residential, and are designed to impart the key biblical principles of Inner Healing, Deliverance and Discipleship, which are explained and illustrated with examples from extensive biblical research, training and ministry experience. This enables people to receive he

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வெற்றிகரமான வாழ்வுக்கான திறவுகோல்கள்

Books by ரெவ். விக்டர் டி’மான்டே

“ வெற்றிகரமான வாழ்வுக்கான திறவுகோல்கள் ” என்பது விசுவாசிகள் முதிர்ச்சியடைந்த கிறிஸ்தவர்களாக ஆவதற்கு உதவும் ஒரு புத்தகமாகும். இந்த பணிப்புத்தகம் தலைவர்களையும்  மற்

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முழுமையும் மற்றும் விடுதலையும் பகுதி - 1

Books by விக்டர் டி'மான்டே

அடோனை சபை முழுமை மற்றும் விடுதலை மாநாட்டை மனிதனுக்கு தேவனின் இதயம் பற்றிய தெளிவான புரிதல் மூலம் தேவனின் குணப்படுத்தும் தொடுதலைக் கொண்டு வருகிறது .

இந்த மாநாடு குடியிர

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The objective of the “WHY?” Series is to address an audience who are keen to know the reasons behind “WHY?” the Bible is relevant in answering various modern day questions. It provides answers to a generation who always want to find out the “WHY?” behind what we say and do and are keen to understand why certain traditions were practiced.

In the WHY Series, this Book, “Why Forgive&

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Why The Land Needs Spiritual Cleansing

Books by Rev. Victor D' Monte

The objective of the “WHY?” Series is to address an audience who are keen to know the reasons behind “WHY?” the Bible is relevant in answering various modern day questions. It provides answers to a generation who always want to find out the “WHY?” behind what we say and do and are keen to understand why certain traditions were practiced.

In the WHY Series,

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Books by Victor D'Monte

In Matthew 28, Jesus never told us to go into all the world and cast out demons or even heal the sick, but He instructed us to go and make disciples. I believe every gift God has entrusted us with, should be used to make disciples of Jesus (and not of ourselves).
Jesus - Our Model for Ministry Luke 9:11 says, “But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and
spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who

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विजयी जीवन जीने की चाबीयाँ

Books by विक्टर डी ’ मॉन्टी

“विजयी जीवन जीने की चाबीयाँ ” यह एक कार्यपुस्तक जो विश्वासियों को मसीहत जीवन मे परिपक्व होने मे सक्षम करेगी। इस कार्यपुस्तक को एक साधन के तौर पर बनाया गया है, जो कि अगुवो को प्

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Keys to victorious living

Books by Victor D’monte

‘Keys to Victorious Living’ is a workbook that enables Believers to become mature Christians. This workbook is designed as a tool to equip Leaders to effectively disciple others. Discipleship must be about transformation of character and also the transference of ability. Jesus demonstrated this with His twelve Disciples; they were transformed by the teaching of Jesus concerning the Kingdom. Later on, these Disciples were design

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Building a Godly Foundation

Books by Victor D’Monte

The Church requires a strong foundation if it has to fulfil its God-given mission. The Bible refers to us as the “living stones” whom God uses to build His Church. Therefore, each of us we believers, have the responsibility of laying the right foundation in our lives.

This workbook, ‘Building a Godly Foundation’, emphasises the importance of laying a Godly foundation in the lives of people. It is the sequel to the workbook &lsquo

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Discerning of spirits


We live in a day where people are searching for supernatural experiences. This has led to a lot of deception, both in the World as well as within the Church. Not only did Jesus warn His disciples concerning false prophets, but the first century Apostles also warned the Church of these prophets and teachers who went about deceiving sincere Christians.

The need of the hour is to be spiritually alert, so that we don’t fall victim to deception. Discer

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Satan and His Kingdom Exposed!

Books by Victor D’Monte

Every Christian needs to have a clear understanding of the work of Satan and demons, and their legal defeat at Calvary. We will never be able to walk in our God given authority until and unless we know who the enemy is, and how he has been defeated. We trust this book will be an encouragement and a source of inspiration to you.

Colossian 2:15 (NIV) “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over

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