Vikram Bagri

Writer,poet,social media creator
Writer,poet,social media creator

Vikram Bagri is an author of the book Dil Ki Baat, a collection of ghazals and poems. He is passionate about writing. Vikram comes from a middle class family but he wants to achieve his targets by conquering all the challenges that comes his way. He wants to live his life with emotions and he thinks writing is about them is the best way to do so. He is currently serving as a government employee who dreams to walk towards the Premchand and Dushyant of the new era. Read More...


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दुब्रास का योद्धा

Books by विक्रम बागरी

यह किताब उस वीर योद्धा की कहानी है जो एक ऐसी जगह से आता है जो प्रथ्वी के अंदर स्थित है। ये कहानी है योद्धा के उस संघर्ष और संग्राम की जो वो अपने साम्राज्य के लिए करता है, जो वो अपने प

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Chaand Ka Safar

Books by

Dreams are achieved by those who never lie to themselves. This book is a definition and the truth of a dreamer. Our mind is like a climate of situation, which can change you unless you have control over your emotions. After reading Chaand Ka Safar you can discover the path of your own destiny, you can enjoy your own feelings. We all know that words are very powerful. But only a few of us are able to have a control over this strength. By reading inspirational p

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