Vishal Kumar

Vishal Kumar is currently serving as a Major in the Indian Army. He is an alumnus of Sainik School Bijapur (Karnataka), National Defence Academy (Pune) and Indian Military Academy (Dehradun) and hails from Bangalore. Having been raised in the environs of discipline, honesty and unflinching obedience for over two decades, he is a strong proponent of Impactful Leadership Vis-à-vis Enforced Leadership or Dictatorship. He also believes that leadership has more to do with ‘Blooming where Planted’ rather than vying for ranks or titles to make an impact.Read More...


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Gem of a Soul

Books by Vishal Kumar

The book is a rare amalgam of Spirituality, Leadership and Growth which is an essential pre-requisite for anyone desirous of making an impact and being inspirational at work places or family fronts. The author offers many a counterintuitive stance to some of the most commonly (mis)understood myths and axioms about leadership, competence, character, health, wealth, success, stress and many more, often convincing you to give a deep re-look & curious re-thought a

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