Anice George & Vishnu Renjith

Dr. Anice George Dr. Anice George is currently working as Professor and Dean at Manipal College of Nursing (MCON) Manipal, Manipal University, Karnataka, India. She had her undergraduate and postgraduate nursing education from College of Nursing, CMC Vellore and MPhil Nursing from Delhi University. She was awarded the doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) from Manipal University for the work evaluating the effect of yoga in the management of dysmenorrhea. She is a certified yoga instructor and has guided numerous studies evaluating the effect of yoga in the management of various diseases. She has publiRead More...


Yoga Therapy for Dysmenorrhea

Books by Anice George & Vishnu Renjith

Through the harmonious development of one’s body, mind, and spirit, yoga ultimately leads a person to physical wellbeing, mental harmony, moral elevation and spiritual consciousness. It is also found to be effective in the management of various ailments. Dysmenorrhea (painful cramps during menstruation), which is highly prevalent among adolescent girls can be prevented and controlled by the regular practice of yoga.

The book unfolds by giving an introd

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