Wallace Jacob

Wallace Jacob is presently working as a Sr. Asst. Prof. at Tolani Maritime Institute, Induri, Pune, where he teaches Principles of Management and Project Management. He has been working on numbers since 1990 as a result of which this tome has come forth. He has also authored a few stories and articles which have been featured in leading magazines like Women's era and Alive. He solicits constructive criticism of this book of his and can be reached at wallace_jacob@yahoo.co.in.Read More...


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A brief introduction to some of the many characters who appear in The Acts of The Apostles


The Acts of the Apostles is a continuation of The Gospel according to Luke. For forty days after his death Lord Jesus appeared to the apostles in many ways. After the ascension of Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit filled the apostles (on the day of the Pentecost). This book provides a brief introduction to some of the numerous people who appear in The Acts of the Apostles.

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A brief introduction to some of the many characters who appear in The Acts of The Apostles


The Acts of the Apostles is a continuation of The Gospel according to Luke. For forty days after his death Lord Jesus appeared to the apostles in many ways. After the ascension of Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit filled the apostles (on the day of the Pentecost). This book provides a brief introduction to some of the numerous people who appear in The Acts of the Apostles.

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ICSE POEMS WORKBOOK (For Class X) ICSE Examination Year 2025 onwards

Books by Wallace Jacob

Poems in syllabus
• Haunted Houses – H. W. Longfellow
• The Glove and the Lions – Leigh Hunt 
• When Great Trees Fall –  Maya Angelou 
• A Considerable Speck – Robert Frost 
• The Power of Music – Sukumar Ray 
I feel that a poem conveys a deep message through words which might or might not be rhyming. A poem might be based on a person, event, object, place, circumstance, nature or emotion. In one way, poems force the

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ICSE Julius Caesar Workbook Part - 1

Books by Wallace Jacob

William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar is a treatise on political behavior, leadership, ingratiatory behaviors, socio-political violence, defensive behavior, social and anti-social behavior, social sensitivity, psychological safety, insecurity, anxiety, mob mentality, perception, ambivalence of relationships between men, literal bribery, axiology, ideology and the frailties of human nature.

The play can also help the reader in gaining insights into

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ICSE 2024 English Paper 2 Workbook


The questions in this workbook have been designed in such a way that if the students are able to find the correct answers, they will gain a sound understanding of the play, poems, and stories in their ICSE 2024 English Paper 2 syllabus. The syllabus includes The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare’s unabridged play by A. W. Verity – Acts 3, 4, and 5), Daffodils by William Wordsworth, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, The Patriot by Robert Browni

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ICSE 2023

Books by Wallace Jacob

The sample paper retrieved from https://cisce.org/UploadedFiles/PDF/ICSE_20 23_SPECIMEN_PAPER_ENGLISH_2.pdf (on 07 Aug 2022) has four sections. Section A contains sixteen multiple choice questions. Section B contains questions from The Merchant of Venice. Section C has questions from short stories and Section D has questions based on poems. In Sections B, C and D, the first four sub-questions are of 3 marks each and the fifth sub-question is of 4 marks.

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Books by Wallace Jacob

This test booklet contains questions based on

Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice (A. W. Verity edition): Act III, Act IV and Act V only,

Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,

Robert Browning’s The Patriot,

Leigh Hunt’s Abou Ben Adhem,

David Roth’s Nine Gold Medals,

Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Match Girl,

Norah Burke’s The Blue Bead,

Jesse Owens’ My Greatest Olympic Prize,<

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The Tempest’ is a mesmerizing odyssey which dwells on treachery, remorse, forgiveness, reconciliation, politics, political malfeasance, true love (innocent love), father-daughter relationship and games played by people in power. It explains how fear, greed and power eclipse humanity. It is a tale of loss and restoration. It helps the reader appreciate the vagaries of life, the whims and fancies of the human mind, the frailties of human nature, and

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The Merchant of Venice Workbook for ICSE Students

Books by Wallace Jacob

The Merchant of Venice is a didactic play which dwells on love, friendship, sacrifice, revenge, elopement, atonement, domestic skirmishes, legal convolutions, and the complexities of life. The play can indeed be a source of great learning. This workbook is an attempt to explore the aforesaid aspects as well as comprehend the beauty of Shakespeare’s rhetoric.

While reading the play The Merchant of Venice, the reader might come across terms/no

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An Empirical Study of Behavioral Pattern of Seafarers: An Indian Exploration

Books by Dr. S. Kanungo, Dr. S. D. Pohekar, Dr. D. D. Mundhra, Wallace Jacob

The authors of this book have made an attempt to build a picture of the life and thinking patterns of seafarers, to comprehend the challenges faced by the seafarers and to understand how the challenges of the maritime industry are affecting seafarers.

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The Unfathomable World of Amazing Numbers

Books by Wallace Jacob

This to me contains many interesting facts related to numbers, Magic Squares, Pythagorean triplets, relationship between Pythagorean triplets and Fibonacci numbers, e (frequently used in Mathematics), Tower of Hanoi, leap years, etc. which the reader will find useful. It will be very useful to anyone who pursues Mathematics and/or Computer Programming as a hobby. It will also be helpful to aspirants who are preparing for competitive exams wherein ques

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By Wallace Jacob in Crime | Reads: 768 | Likes: 2

AN UNSOLVED MYSTERY On Wednesday, November 24, 1971, a man wearing a dark suit, shirt with a white collar, a black necktie, black sunglasses, and a mother-of-pearl tie pin boarded a Boeing 727-100, Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305 bearing FAA Reg. N467US on its way from Portland International Ai  Read More...

Published on Apr 22,2020 09:55 AM


By Wallace Jacob in True Story | Reads: 568 | Likes: 0

THE TRUTH At his wife’s insistence, Sunil was returning home after leaving his parents (Awadesh and Priya) at ‘SnehKutir’ – a home for the aged and orphans. He was feeling sad. He felt as if he had lost a battle. He never wanted to oust his parents from his house. In fact, hi  Read More...

Published on Apr 15,2020 05:50 PM


By Wallace Jacob in True Story | Reads: 404 | Likes: 0

SEPARATION  June 10, 2004 was a “happy day” in the life of Henry (or so he thought). He was being married to Pinky. The marriage was an arranged one. Henry had been working as a computer teacher for eight years at St. Aloysius Vocational Training Institute and the then Principal of   Read More...

Published on Apr 15,2020 12:11 PM


By Wallace Jacob in True Story | Reads: 627 | Likes: 2

LOVED AND UNWANTED   “I can’t even obtain a proper night’s rest”, screamed Amita, ensuring that she was audible to her neighbours. “Your mother is washing the utensils at 11:00 p.m. Is this the time for washing the utensils? Can’t she wash the utensils at som  Read More...

Published on Mar 30,2020 11:43 AM

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