Wim Vegt

Scienstist / Public Writer
Scienstist / Public Writer

Wim Vegt graduated in 1988 his study Physics at the "Eindhoven University of Technology" in the Netherlands. He published in several scientific journals. In 1995 he published the first version of his “New Theory in Physics” in "Physics Essays". A New Theory in which the "Probability Waves in Quantum Physics" turn out to be "Confined Electromagnetic Waves", confined due to Gravitational Electromagnetic Interaction. He was the first physicist who discovered a fundamental mistake in the Maxwell Equations. Due to this fundamental mistake in the Maxwell Equations, Physics chose the wrong Model Read More...



Books by Wim Vegt

According to Maxwell’s equations Electromagnetic Waves can only propagate along straight lines and it is impossible that Light (Electromagnetic Waves) could confine with the surface of a sphere or an ellipse. For that reason, these material waves in Schrödinger’s wave equation could only be of a different origin than Electromagnetic Waves. Niels Bohr introduced the concept of “Probability Waves” as the origin of the material waves

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The Rise of ELF Electromagnetic Attack Weapons and the Necessity of the Development of Corresponding ELF Defend Systems

Books by Wim Vegt

he original idea that electromagnetic waves propagate in every direction with the same universal constant, the speed of light, corresponds with Maxwell's Theory of Electrodynamics in 1865. With the introduction of the Laser it became clear that it is also possible to emit a beam of light in one single direction while the speed of light in the directions perpendicular to the direction of propagation equals zero. In general, the laser frequencies are so high that t

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Beyond Superstrings

Books by Wim Vegt

The Light we see in our daily world has a hidden key which has the power to open doors that have never been opened before. When we go back in time, the time before Albert Einstein published in 1905 his theory of Relativity. When we go back in time, the time before James Clerk Maxwell published in 1865 his theory of Electrodynamics. When we go back to the time of Newton, the last Magician of his kind, when he published in 1687 the “Philosophiae Naturalis Prin

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The Bridge of Light in Quantum Physics

Books by Wim Vegt

When you read this book, it is very likely that the world of Physics is still very calm. Like in the early morning, just when the sun rises. You feel peace and the birds start to wake up and you hear the first sounds breaking the silence of the night. The sounds of joy, the sounds of happiness, the sounds of peace. But it is the morning of the great battle. The battle in physics. Still everybody is asleep. There is no sign of aggression. But soon the armies will

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The Tri-Unity in Religion and in Science

Books by Wim Vegt

When you read this book, it is very likely that the world of Physics is still very calm. Like in the early morning, just when the sun rises. You feel peace and the birds start to wake up and you hear the first sounds breaking the silence of the night. The sounds of joy, the sounds of happiness, the sounds of peace. But it is the morning of the great battle. The battle in physics. Still everybody is asleep. There i

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