Xarat Bo

Xarat Bo is an author currently residing in India. A life long management and IT strategy consultant he has been writing poetry since 2000 and finally decided to release this debut book. During his grad school days in the United States he concluded that all human joy and suffering is universal and began to record his poetic thoughts. He works as a music producer in less known genres like Lower case, Extratone and Drill during his spare time.Read More...


If This Does Not Get a Nobel I Don’t Know What Will

Books by Xarat Bo

If This Does Not Get a Nobel I Don’t Know What Will is the captivating debut poetry book by Xarat Bo. This book offers a profound exploration of alcoholism, life, intellect, love and heartbreak, depression, humor, sorrow, god and religion, morality and injustice. The book is a delightful easy read except for a few chapters like About Chaos which may require deeper contemplation to grasp the somewhat intricate thoughts. To truly appreciate this collection, re

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