
Born on February 17, 1946, in Amritsar, Shri Amarjit had an inclination toward arts, literature and spirituality since his childhood. He tried incessantly to reach higher grounds in life. He finally realized that until the mammon of the ‘self’ is given up, one cannot aspire to rise above pettiness. After giving up the ‘self,’ he had a rendezvous with the Ultimate Truth. He gained knowledge of the Source of Spiritual Literature and the Primal Word, and he has narrated his experiences with the Super Divine Entity in his book Amrit Kitaab, the book of elixir.  বেশি পড়ুন...


Amrit Kitaab

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The compilation Amrit Kitaab, the book of elixir, is based on the true, divine experiences of the saint poet, Shri Amarjit. For the last 20 years, he has been treading on a path strewn with so much elixir that he himself has become one with the Divine Elixir.

Whatever he has gained from his oneness with the Supreme Divine, he is distributing it in the form of this book. His writings reflect his magnanimous and generous personality and show a true path of

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