यह अध्ययन पाठ्यक्रम मार्गदर्शिका विश्वासियों के लिए एक सबसे अच्छा संसाधन है। इसमें प्रमुख सच्चाई के साथ 15 पाठ शामिल हैं जिन्हें प्रत्येक विश्वासी को जानना चाहिए और उनमें स्था�
It is an outstanding Biblical resource designed to provide new believers with the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Comprising 15 lessons covering key truths, it addresses questions many young believers may have. This valuable discipleship tool is set to enrich your spiritual life. Study it, reflect on it, and teach it to others.
पास्टर कार्ल का जीवन वास्तव में उल्लेखनीय था! इस पुस्तक में उनके द्वारा बांटे गए सच्चाई का सबूत उनका जीवन है। इन्हे पढ़ें, इन्हे सीखें, और इन्हे बांटे ।
पास्टर थॉमस श्यालर
Pastor Karl Silva’s life was truly remarkable! The truths he shares in this book are confirmed by his life. Read them, learn them, and share them.
- Pastor Thomas Schaller, Senior Pastor, Greater Grace World Outreach
The Word of God was read, studied and lived by Pastor Karl Silva as a man of God. They live forever!
- Pastor Steven Scibelli, Director of Missions, Greater Grace World Outreach