Anita Bakshi

Dr. Anita Bakshi is a doctor. She is a practicing pediatrician and has been working for more than 25 years. She started writing as a hobby in 2014 and to take her mind off from the pressure of her work. She realized that just money and work does not make her happy, and that led her to think more about happiness, and so she chose to write about it. Anita has written a book about dealing with grief, and it is called Living with Merlin (Partridge India). Her other books are Hippocratic Oath or Hippocrisy? (Sage Publications) and PICU ‘The Transplant’ (E-book only).Read More...


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Books by Anita Bakshi

Are you happy?

Do you sleep well, eat well, and appreciate what you have?

Or are you just going through the motions of living?

Life means different things to all of us. For some, it is a very serious business, and for some, it is fun and games. But, all said and done, the quest for that one elusive element, happiness, is something that we all pursue. We try to find it in our own way, inside us, outside, in material things, in our relations

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