Use chup chup kar dekhti thi!
By Ananya Pahari in Poetry | Reads: 454 | Likes: 0
 उसे छुप छुप कर देखती थी!!!!! ज़िन्दगी का वो सफ़र भी क्या अनोखा था।मैं अलबेली थी और वातावरण निराला था।रंगों का त्य  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 03:36 PM
Read me like a book !!!!
By Ananya Pahari in Poetry | Reads: 370 | Likes: 0
Read me like that book which!!   Can't be decoded easily Read me like that book which Can't be narrated easily. Read me like that book which Can't be described easily I am an artist I am a painter I am a developer I am a creator Read me like that book which Does not have a problem,but solutions  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 03:32 PM
The Girl
By t_r_a_v_e_l_l_e_r in Poetry | Reads: 295 | Likes: 1
The agony burned Till it was rage.  Tampering against the vulnerable, Paving wildfire flames.  - Suddenly, it sparked fire, Flaming the culprits. Once, the fire flames Unable to extinguish. - She wept enough tears, Couldn't stop crying.  The war was declared,  Moving towards batt  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 03:26 PM
My Little Black Book_001
By Gabriela Caster in True Story | Reads: 377 | Likes: 5
They debated on the height, the weight, the age. Day after day, night after night. I wasn't sure if they were referring to me or the goats outside. #marriage  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 03:06 PM
By Riya Das in General Literary | Reads: 1,290 | Likes: 9
“And this?” Joe asked with a thick voice . “That will be fifty, sir” the man behind the glass counter said with an exhausted expression, adjusting the golden rimmed spectacles perched on his nose. He kept his eyes trailed on Joe, waiting for him to leave. “Come on   Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 02:57 PM
Resilience of Anant
By Ankit Pareek in True Story | Reads: 667 | Likes: 1
My heart sank as I gained consciousness, listening in to the loud noise of the bikes, cards and buses zooming past our home, that blowing of the horn, the crackling sound of the brakes. In no time, I realised it was Monday.  Monday, when I do not get to sleep a little more with my kids. Monday,  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 02:50 PM
War cry: let's beat corona
By kishan venkatesh in Poetry | Reads: 259 | Likes: 1
It all began in the month of december, When we were in our deep slumbers, Heading to our offices, Failing to watch out for those notices, "Winter was coming" they spoke about, Not realising that they bring along their clouts, Boys and girls ,with their fancy caps had their usual nap, But oh,darling!  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 02:48 PM
Ram Parsad
By M Tasleem in General Literary | Reads: 229 | Likes: 0
On 15th august on the occasion of flag hosting, Area General Manager facilitated persons from different departments for their exceptional work. This year security guard Hari Prasad son of late security guard Ram Prasad was, given an appreciation letter and medal for his extraordinary courageous work  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 02:39 PM
Don't let the fear win!!
By Sakshee Purohit in True Story | Reads: 710 | Likes: 2
This is a story of a school girl turning confident to take the stand against what she feel inappropriate. She was a daughter of a businessman who tried his best to fulfill her every dream but unfortunately , money isn't everything that's required... She could get anything that is liked by her eye bu  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 02:26 PM
By Eunice Nikhila in True Story | Reads: 564 | Likes: 4
Though I've told this story to my friends and few family members, I'd like to share it in a platform where few more people would get inspired. In our daily life, we are always in a hurry. We are all glued to something or the other that keeps us busy. We go to work, we go to college, we work at home,  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 01:59 PM
Lets live
By Pankaj Dey(Sikander Singh) in Poetry | Reads: 1,055 | Likes: 4
Lets live!lets live!lets live The time we are born With intelligence and emotions as our horns Lets fight till the end not just to live But to earn and raise lively corn  Behold the love for life Fighting death with intelligence and emotions Bearing heart of love and sword of life We fight to   Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 01:50 PM
9'0 Clock Bus
By Aiswarya. K. S in Poetry | Reads: 293 | Likes: 1
The sleepless nights are over  I don't need any more sleepless night  When I turn back  I realise, why can't I sleep for a long time  Within myself  Burdens were awake  Roles were performing  Sometimes as a father, brother, son and husband  But no me  Eve  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 01:41 PM
By SAURABH SUMAN in General Literary | Reads: 444 | Likes: 0
I moved to Mumbai in 2017. It has been roughly more than 2 years I am here in this metro city. I feel Mumbai is less judgemental.I seen people are more open minded and less judged based on what you wear how, you live,what you do..All are busy making their lives hence you might not kno  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 01:26 PM
By SAURABH SUMAN in General Literary | Reads: 353 | Likes: 0
“Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.” – Barbara Kingsolver “Birth is the epicentre of women’s power.” –Ani DiFranco “Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation, where the human spirit is courageou  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 01:18 PM
The Dilemma
By Sneha Vyas in True Story | Reads: 494 | Likes: 0
For as long as I can remember, I dreamt of working as a gastroenterologist, until things changed in 10th grade. The notion of pursuing medical perplexed me. Although I used to have endless discussions with my Dad about where my interest lies, subconsciously I considered science as an optio  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 01:06 PM