Once upon a time
By Aadhya Jain in True Story | Reads: 484 | Likes: 1
Once upon a time , there was a girl .       Oh wait ! isn’t it the bygone way of starting any story . Well once upon a time there really was a girl . She was short and stout, with an ugly mouth, her lips not so good at pout , her curly, unmanageable frizz hanging down   Read More...
Published on Apr 15,2020 07:05 PM
By Shruthi Srinivasan in Poetry | Reads: 453 | Likes: 1
Apni zillat ko uss mukaam tak pahuncha doon, jahan aayina bhi mere aks pe sharamsar ho jaaye. Gila na hai koi, na shikwa, bas darr hai ki meri koshishein nakaam na ho jaaye. Puchoge agar mujhse mera haal-e-dil ae dost, Jhooti kasam deke kahin jhoot na bol jaaye.  Read More...
Published on Apr 15,2020 07:22 PM
By Shreya jain in True Story | Reads: 420 | Likes: 1
I played the first song of a recommended playlist by him. The song was so wholesome, I closed my eyes and leaned back on the metro door. I don't know what music does to me. A heavenly, strange, out of the world feeling surrounded me. My heart was full of happiness. I was reliving my yesterday. I fel  Read More...
Published on Apr 15,2020 08:09 PM
By Cindrella Dsouza in General Literary | Reads: 262 | Likes: 1
Few lines on lockdown O man where are you running. Behind what?  money, fem, opportunities, big house, big car, big name, and big status. Indeed you ran for all of these but you have forgotten a very precious thing in your life, your family, kids, wife, and parents no time for them. You have   Read More...
Published on Apr 15,2020 11:19 PM
Dangarous situation
By mina sarkar in General Literary | Reads: 305 | Likes: 1
মানুষের জীবন ধারা একটি নিরবিচ্ছন্ন গতিবিধির মধ্যে চলতে চলতে হঠাৎ 2019 সালের ডিসেম্বর মাসে চীন দেশ থেকে একটা ভরা জোয়  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 12:38 AM
To all those who have loved and lost
By Rishabh Singh in Poetry | Reads: 421 | Likes: 1
Many a reason.... Life is an array of ups and downs. Just live in the moment or you drown. Forget the past,forget about fate, Just live in the moment,have no hate. Many a reason to live for, Many a memories to live on... Just remember her smile, remember all you talked, remember the way she walke  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 02:58 AM
By sudhanshu bhardwaj in True Story | Reads: 1,693 | Likes: 1
चमचमाती मर्सिडीज कार के ड्राइविंग सीट से अपने पापा को उतरते देख रोहण दौड़ता हुआ कार के समीप आया । उसे अपनी मम्मी का इ  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 08:50 AM
मोहब्बत बयॉ करके देखो
By Ajahar Rahaman in Poetry | Reads: 997 | Likes: 1
दिल में मोहब्बत है तो बयॉ करके देखो । गर शौक - ए - इबादत है तो ,आजां करके देखो । दिल में मोहब्बत है तो बयॉ करके देखो। गर इ  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 10:04 AM
Our Monkey Mind... What IF...
By Sanket Pai in General Literary | Reads: 463 | Likes: 1
Imagine stepping into a cold water shower. You suddenly feel your body contracted. A shortness of breath. Perhaps, a chill running down your spine. Maybe, a sudden rush of blood through your arms and legs. A knot in your stomach. Or, even a slight tingling in your legs and feet. What would you label  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 10:20 AM
Self-care During Lockdown
By Sanket Pai in General Literary | Reads: 244 | Likes: 1
This the time when the world is healing. Nature is reclaiming its space and humanity is still alive! Amidst challenging and uncertain times, when it feels like the whole world is falling apart (physically and economically), it isn't. This too shall pass! The social media and news media around us are  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 10:26 AM
வாழ்க்கை மகிழ்ச்சியாக இருக்க மதம் தேவையா.
By Murali in True Story | Reads: 413 | Likes: 1
வணக்கம்   இக்கதையே தேர்ந்து எடுத்து படித்தார்க்கு.என் நன்றி இக்கதையில்  என்பது ஒருவர் அன்பு மற்றும் உறவுகி  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 03:42 PM
By akshat thakur in Poetry | Reads: 2,283 | Likes: 1
मैं तुम्हें फिर मिलूंगा कहाँ ,किस तरह ,पता नहीं नहीं मालूम कब ? मिलूंगा भी या नहीं नहीं कह सकता  नहीं कहा जा सकता  म  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 01:51 PM
Story of pain within me
By Swetha Nyalam in True Story | Reads: 423 | Likes: 1
Words...     Why I belived that love comes from marraige not marraige from love.Why sometimes soul burns for whatvit wants Why heart shrinks at times.Why I have to look into sky and dream of a prince charming.Why wanting love is breaking me from inside.Why some dreams are making me weak fr  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 02:10 PM
Story of pain within me
By Swetha Nyalam in True Story | Reads: 390 | Likes: 1
Words...     Why I belived that love comes from marraige not marraige from love.Why sometimes soul burns for what it wants.Why heart shrinks at times.Why I have to look into sky and dream of a prince charming.Why wanting love is breaking me from inside.Why some dreams are making me weak fr  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 02:13 PM
Tips to stock food wisely during lockdown.
By Aditi in General Literary | Reads: 299 | Likes: 1
We are all in lockdown .. we need to use our supplies judiciously.Few tips to help you through.   Tomatoes - Make a puree and freeze it.Can also make small cubes in an ice tray and use as required.   Mushrooms/Cauliflower - Can be blanched/sauteed and frozen.    Switch to Bell pe  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 03:31 PM