Poetry | Reads: 489 | Likes: 0
in I wanted to be a book,
So you could read me at 3AM under a lamp
Or while travelling but
What people often do is they ask
what you have to offer them,
they won't even try to hear your screams rather they judge your silence.
But I'm scared that the chapter or the lines that I want to be highlighted wi Read More...
Published on Jun 10,2020 11:09 PM
Poetry | Reads: 1,033 | Likes: 0
in आसान नही होता
बिस्तर पर बिछ जाना चादर की तरह
बिना कोई हरक़त किये
मुर्दा सा पड़े रहना
और अपने ऊपर ओढ़ लेना
गर्म,ज़िंदा मा�
Published on Jun 10,2020 11:26 PM
General Literary | Reads: 626 | Likes: 0
in Today as I'm skipping through the old photo albums, I realize how those camera shots captured on celluloid actually open the magical door to nostalgia. Some of these pictures have gone withered by time. Some are now dusted with remembrance.
Time is a strange feeling. It flies by like an unstop Read More...
Published on Jun 10,2020 11:47 PM
Poetry | Reads: 350 | Likes: 0
in It's always said, actions speak louder than words. But no matter how loud the voice of those actions maybe, it's the soft and hushed sound of the words, just like a slow and soothing tune, that our heart and ears are willing to hear.
The charm and beauty of the words is like a magical spell. Even t Read More...
Published on Jun 11,2020 07:26 AM
True Story | Reads: 486 | Likes: 0
in I remember vividly once you'd said with your rosy puckered lips in a contemplative but plaintive tone that "the biggest loss a human could conceive of in their lifetime is the loss of the person who loves them unceremoniously yet unconditionally.".
On that I'd made insidiously scurillous remarks tha
Published on Jun 11,2020 08:23 AM
True Story | Reads: 524 | Likes: 0
in काफी अरसा बीत गया..
जाने वो कैसी होगी
याद तो उसे भी आती होगी
जब घरवालों की कड़वी बाते
छुप-छुप कर वो सहती होगी...
मुझसे ब
Published on Jun 11,2020 08:58 AM
Poetry | Reads: 445 | Likes: 0
in If I go far away,
If I get lost in this world,
Tell me what will you do??
Will you search me??
Or will you forget me??
Or will you call me??
Or will you write my name,
In your past story?
It's admirable to do all these,
You will change yourself,
And you will forget me!!
But I request to you,
Published on Jun 11,2020 09:27 AM
Poetry | Reads: 629 | Likes: 0
in I have left that pathway,
Where your footprints used to be.
When the ducks in the pond used to swim,
When your scarf used to blow,
When the river used to flow,
I have left that pathway!
My heart is a piece of sadness,
Its scorn as a stone,
Its dark like a well,
Its a closed tunnel,
One small moment
Published on Jun 11,2020 09:33 AM
Poetry | Reads: 393 | Likes: 0
in Survived the innocence,
Survived the ignorance,
Survived the arrogance,
We are the generation,
that makes no sense .
Survived the humiliation,
Survived the dark intention,
Survived the unrecognition,
Yet, we are the generation,
that received no attention.
Published on Jun 11,2020 09:47 AM
Poetry | Reads: 359 | Likes: 0
in I became younger before my age,
Felt the torture but yet remained mute.
Silence covered me ,which the situation has hallowed,
I'm a whore ,
That's my little crime !!
I walk in this path for a few penny,
They kept my body as it was,
But burnt me alive,
I can't see myself on the mirror,
They mixed me
Published on Jun 11,2020 10:04 AM
Poetry | Reads: 333 | Likes: 0
in Happiness seems to be a distinct dream
Jolt after jolt ,heavy heart screams
I didn’t do this much wrong to pay this bad
Perhaps didn’t either do much good to not be sad
I don’t bow five times a day to be in your shade
Indeed million of times in revere I chant aid
Every tim
Published on Jun 11,2020 10:17 AM
General Literary | Reads: 413 | Likes: 0
in The mother, with the baby on her back, walked through the barren land. The hunt for water seemed never-ending. Trees were ripped of its glory; only the dry twigs remained, shaking occasionally when a breeze blew.
The mother could never forget the image she saw a few days before.
She was resting ju
Published on Jun 11,2020 10:56 AM
Sci-fi | Reads: 401 | Likes: 0
in 2014 November 8th, GST 10:38 am
“What the hell?”, the agent breathed, staring at the screen, open-mouthed with shock. “Guys, are you seeing this?”
The large 24-foot screen displayed the satellite zooming in on a planet which looked exactly like Earth; an incredibly rare &lsqu Read More...
Published on Jun 11,2020 10:57 AM
Poetry | Reads: 461 | Likes: 0
in अब मुझे देखकर यूँ मुस्कुराते नहीं ,क्या हुआ क्यों अब हम तुम्हे भाते नहीं! Read More...
Published on Jun 11,2020 11:33 AM
Romance | Reads: 485 | Likes: 0
in I will wait for you
I will wait for you
Outside the coffee shop
Where we first met
Where I saw
And fall in love at first sight
Honestly, I wasn't a love kinda person
I was only attracted With the coffees, muffins, hiphops and aromatic flowers
But since I'd saw you in that white shi Read More...
Published on Jun 11,2020 12:12 PM