
Marine Drive
By Deepika Anchan in Romance | Reads: 436 | Likes: 0
A windy day in Mumbai, people heading home as they fear a storm is on its way. On the Marine Drive stood Naina fearless and enjoying the breeze that was caressing her face. The waves of the Arabian Sea planting a kiss on her cheek. All of the drive seems empty, though at a distance was a boy enjoyin  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 11:07 PM
...& it happens
By bbj in Poetry | Reads: 270 | Likes: 0
Life happened... & i realized I was urs, but u weren't mine I knew so less of u, being satisfied   Still wearing ur gifted ring Still wearing ur broken_trust Snapping d nostalgia Wondering how ur "u will" changed to "will u ?"   U were like death Life is incomplete w/o u & Life rem  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 11:08 PM
By suchitra in True Story | Reads: 853 | Likes: 0
The beuty of life is it's being so uncertain, why am I calling it a beuty but not pain , stress , regret. I can't give it's uncertain nature a one name. Because all of these characters consolidate into being it uncertain. You wake up early , do the morning routine. Have a cup of hot tea sitting in y  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 11:35 PM
By Debjani Banerjee in Poetry | Reads: 283 | Likes: 0
A blinding radiance, so very bright SHE bestows consolation at sight.   Loyal, praiseworthy, untiring lass,  SHE personifies humility and class.    Endearing, compassionate. an introvert,  SHE ensures, I'm never scarred or hurt.    Foregoing, daring, my flesh and b  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 11:43 PM
By Debjani Banerjee in Poetry | Reads: 756 | Likes: 0
Meanders over the precious face of the all enduring earth, Knows not bliss, absolute knowledge or even  abysmal mirth, Vain, pretentious, bragging beast, On poverty, misery and helplessness does his soul feast.  Yearning to be immortal...  Oh mortal! Oh mortal!    Aimlessly   Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 11:48 PM
By Sanoobar in Poetry | Reads: 920 | Likes: 0
We shared the moon once... Hanging loose in the sky Watching the world go by Peeping through secret windows Seeping through half closed doors Casting shadows on old abandoned floors Bathed in rituals, superstition and celebration   To the Moon “You stay still but move A child&rsquo  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 11:50 PM
Dear Mom
By ketki verma in Poetry | Reads: 270 | Likes: 0
Dear Mom,   To describe you is a painful task indeed. Not that I'm complaining ,  But just hear me out I plead. I know we've been quite ungrateful at times, And always seemed to put ourselves before you. Yet we always had your support and your demands have been very few.  That craving  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 11:56 PM
The unpredictable year
By Elria Fernandes in Poetry | Reads: 531 | Likes: 9
2020 an unpredictable year Where humans as well as Wildlife both lived in fear Where earth lost its greenery In some parts And pain was caused to many hearts. Day after day fear arose We could no longer enjoy Some Live shows Churches, mosques and temples All shut down No vehicles on the streets   Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 12:42 AM
By Vibhuti Vaid in Poetry | Reads: 592 | Likes: 0
A word that contains the whole world  A word that is everyone’s world A word that is an ocean of love A word that is as pure as a dove A word that is a family’s pride A word that is a little one’s delight A word that is God’s second name  Innumerable tasks she alone  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 12:44 AM
The Cry to the Divine
By Augusto Veronica Stewart in Poetry | Reads: 505 | Likes: 0
The world was shocked, they remained silent; A war had started, but no guns were fired, yet it was violent..... Graves had little places left for corpses to get burried ; Still, loads faces a problem to breath with heart-aches, increasing the death rally, that those coffins carried.... Hospitals s  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 01:03 AM
The King
By Simran Dhingra in Poetry | Reads: 285 | Likes: 0
The castle gates remained open for travellers and traders and those seeking shelter The King was generous, gave them diamonds and pearls served in a platter. His visitors cherished the riches and stayed there for a while for they have never seen such  goodness and care loaded up in a pile. His   Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 02:36 AM
Beyond "Us"
By Kiran in Poetry | Reads: 336 | Likes: 0
I know you think of me,   When the sun sets, When the moon shines, When the sea greets the shores, When the leaves blush at autumn,   And that's enough for me..!!     - Kiran  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 02:56 AM
Love only heals
By Kiran in Poetry | Reads: 337 | Likes: 0
To, The one who taught me to love,   You unwrapped me, You loved my messy heart, Kissed my bruised lips,   You whispered to my scars,  And helped me bloom,   You are my chaos, And my calm.   You are my sword, And my shield.   From, The one who falls in love with you eve  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 02:58 AM
Reflections in times of Covid!!
By Chhaya Chaurasia Mallik in General Literary | Reads: 713 | Likes: 6
As Covid creates more and more chaos, as we see all around us loss, several times in my inner space I pause... I ask myself, what and why all this? What's behind all this unbelievable submiss? Aaah ...and then i am led to contemplating J Lynn's words: Sometimes when things are falling apart, they m  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 04:41 AM
Know Corona, No Corona!
By AQSA SHAIKH in Poetry | Reads: 254 | Likes: 0
Know Corona, No Corona! Damn! I want some family time,  I am tired of my work . Here you get it said the government, Lol! now ill go out like a jerk. I can not do this social distancing  What the hell is quarantine ? No virus can infect my swag. I'll party with other ninety nine. School  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 05:51 AM