Mind Vs heart
By Dakshi in Poetry | Reads: 590 | Likes: 1
                        MIND VERSUS HEART Sometimes I wonder that why our heart is so against our mind!!! Did you feel  that little warning whispering in your head when you meet someone you should be wary of?? It's like that voice try   Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 05:59 PM
प्यारा बन्धन कविता
By Nidhi Bothra in Poetry | Reads: 590 | Likes: 0
परिचय -निधि बोथरा /पश्चिम बंगाल  जो मुझे थाम ले प्रेरे से जिस मेरे थम जाउं प्रेम से  जो मेरे पसंदीदा बन जाए उस तक म  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 12:51 AM
By Reena Syunary in Poetry | Reads: 590 | Likes: 0
\\FLY\\ . Let me fly, For i was never meant to be caged, When you doubt my dreams, my wings feel heavy on myself, And whenever i asked why? You always said things to avert me. . Is this love? I know its not! Maybe you know it too!  Still You wanna hold and never let me go? . I said, Darlin' do   Read More...
Published on May 29,2020 11:05 PM
By Tejaswinee Roychowdhury in General Literary | Reads: 590 | Likes: 0
“By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower.” ― Rabindranath Tagore A grim silence had descended over the neighbourhood on a cold winter morning as a fifty year old woman’s screeching wails pierced the sky. Khadija held her only child tightly to her bosom   Read More...
Published on Aug 28,2020 07:40 PM
पाक-पकिजा पैगाम
By keshav sharma in Poetry | Reads: 589 | Likes: 0
आहिस्ता आब-ए-चश्म आली हुए ।आशुफता में सहज अल्फाज भी खाक हुए ।इज्तिराब इताव इल्लत में कई आलिम खाक हुए ।इतम इमान इबार  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 10:32 PM
स्वागत है आपका
By Nishant Pandey in Poetry | Reads: 589 | Likes: 0
शुक्रगुज़ार हैं तुम्हारे, महफ़िल में आने के लिए एक बहाना जो दे दिया, कुछ लफ़्ज़ सजाने के लिए! बेबसी की सरहदें, तुम कल  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 10:37 PM
Heart and Mind
By Vanessa in Poetry | Reads: 589 | Likes: 0
A gaze turns into a word,A word turns into a phrase,A phrase turns into a sentence...A sentence that never ends.Our jaws move faster thanOur brains that think aheadOur hearts beats faster thanOur feelings that render away.My ears will only hear whatMy eyes try to expressMy mind will never heed cause  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 10:48 PM
By Vibhuti Vaid in Poetry | Reads: 589 | Likes: 0
A word that contains the whole world  A word that is everyone’s world A word that is an ocean of love A word that is as pure as a dove A word that is a family’s pride A word that is a little one’s delight A word that is God’s second name  Innumerable tasks she alone  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 12:44 AM
By Geetha M in True Story | Reads: 589 | Likes: 3
Brothers It was 11 a.m. on a Sunday, an unusually warm day for Chennai summer. The earth was still wet from the early morning drizzle. We arrived home from shopping. The screech of the car halt must have shocked the two little cuddled bundles. They shook out of their slumber looking lost. The two li  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 12:01 AM
Cough Prints!
By Vijaya Lakshmi in Poetry | Reads: 589 | Likes: 9
                            Bullets of mucus loaded in their lungs, Cough explodes like nuclear bomb contagious, Corpses overflowing across continents. Reasons for death are same. Untouchability practiced, not based on caste. I   Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 09:17 PM
By Aniket Singh in Mythology | Reads: 589 | Likes: 1
Supreme Being; Lord of Divine Energy, Meditation, Arts, Yoga, Time, Destruction, Dance; Supreme Destroyer of Evil; Lord of The Devas (gods); Member of Trimurti. A statue of Shiva meditating in the Padmasana. Other names. Mahesha, Shankara, Bholenath, Neelkanth, Mahadeva. Know the marriage story of L  Read More...
Published on May 30,2020 03:27 PM
साथ मी तुझी अर्ध्यावर सोडून जात आहे 
By Shubhangi Dupte in Poetry | Reads: 588 | Likes: 7
केसात तुझ्या गजरा माळायचा राहून गेलामाफ कर प्रिये मला ते करायचंच राहून गेलं ,तू माझ्या दिलाची राणीतूच माझा जीव की   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:51 PM
By Swathi Madugula in General Literary | Reads: 588 | Likes: 0
#journalentry Feb 23rd 1987.This day, like all other days, started with a jog in our favorite park. You had a late night in the office. You said it was work but I knew it wasn’t. Your eyes, they speak the truth. I wanted to stay but felt all you need was an extra bit of sleep. You have been wo  Read More...
Published on Mar 27,2020 06:16 AM
I am important.
By Aquib Javed in General Literary | Reads: 588 | Likes: 2
My generation was always been judged for being weak in various ways. Be it mentally, physically or socially.But ironically in this hard time this generation is doing far better than previous ones. We can clearly see the unrest and suffocation on the faces of our elder ones at homes. They're​ reall  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 08:06 PM
By Preity S. in Poetry | Reads: 588 | Likes: 1
                                    Rainbow   As the dark clouds covered the sky, The earth became dark and bereft of sunlight. The dark clouds of ignorance, hatred and envy, Have likewise enveloped the wh  Read More...
Published on Apr 26,2020 03:03 PM