The 'Slippery' Love Story
By Arundeep Sivaraj in Fantasy | Reads: 584 | Likes: 1
“This is your room till your test results come. If it is positive, we will decide to either shift you to a hospital or administer treatment here itself. For your safety and for safety of others, we will lock this door from the outside. You have all essentials inside. Food and water will be bro  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 09:58 PM
Earth is balancing
By Dr. Surbhi Pareek in Poetry | Reads: 584 | Likes: 3
                          Earth is balancing In this war of survival, Suffers the treasure of humanity, Surely we will lose, The power and dignity. Can you see these clouds, They are clean and clear, Can you feel this, Safe and soft  Read More...
Published on Mar 27,2020 06:18 PM
By sakina dabhiya in Poetry | Reads: 584 | Likes: 0
Today a weird sense of peace was running around in air,As i sit down with coffe in one hand and book in my chair,I left the words strandling in between just to hear,The chirping and kooing of birds,I could feel their happiness, i could hear the lords'For once man has stopped and breathedJust a momen  Read More...
Published on Mar 31,2020 12:01 PM
nirbhaya (adj.) the fearless one
By Misha in Poetry | Reads: 584 | Likes: 0
11 PM. The film was beautiful, He and I walk hand in hand, There is a storm coming, They always come by surprise, Starting with light rain, And then hit unexpectedly, Always leaving a huge wound, One that could take years to heal, I had no idea, That soon there would be a wound so vast, So powerful,  Read More...
Published on Apr 3,2020 12:19 AM
The roles we play
By Saki in Poetry | Reads: 584 | Likes: 0
"Life’s a stage," Shakespeare said. "Everyone mere players," he said. Should’ve believed that old coot. --- My life was being destroyed by my hands, Bleeding, writhing and screaming, I knew not the reason for my cruelty, I knew not the reason for my indifference, I knew not the reason fo  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 10:50 AM
Letter to a friend
By Eswar Tavva in True Story | Reads: 584 | Likes: 1
LETTER TO A FRIEND Stamp collection and postcard collection are one of my hobbies. One fine day I went to the Post Office located in Army Cantonment in Secunderabad to collect some stamps. An old man, about 80 years of age, approached me and requested me to write a letter to his friend. He also requ  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 09:12 AM
By Sreeju B in Romance | Reads: 584 | Likes: 0
It was a warm sunny day. The sun paced amidst the cotton candy clouds. A swift breeze bounced on the car’s hood as it cut through the streets pulling its tail end through a hard curve. Behind the wheels, he remembered the first time he had pulled a hard corner in his car. It had ended up hitti  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 06:41 PM
Parallel world
By xia in General Literary | Reads: 584 | Likes: 1
I will wake up  With a heart clean of all the shit And full of contentment.  Next to the person my soul has been searching for long, I just want  to love and to be loved I will wake up like a child who has just born. crying out loud ,swept all my sorrow with the tears I will wake up W  Read More...
Published on May 24,2020 07:41 PM
The pandemonium
By Harsh Khajuria in Mystery | Reads: 584 | Likes: 1
The room was much quieter than usual, the darkness that was clinging onto everything seemed sickening to a normal human being. There was nothing that anyone could see amongst the black shroud of darkness that was disrupted by the monochromic flashes of the lamp that were constantly turned on and of  Read More...
Published on May 27,2020 12:16 PM
Words that Heal
By Nancy in Poetry | Reads: 584 | Likes: 1
Not Everyday Perhaps few days we feel that we should share our heartiest feelings Be it sorrow, joy, pain, love; With someone who understands & shares it with us. Someone who nourishes And heals our heart with his/her beautiful words..... ≈n.s   Read More...
Published on Jun 11,2020 12:58 AM
By Rehas Sachdeva in Poetry | Reads: 584 | Likes: 1
Happiest birthday to my dear aunt Her adoration, I just can't Put in words Or sing a song Hug her enough Or be with her. Yet I can cherish her today. Be grateful Feel blessed And say a prayer To keep her happy, healthy and thriving And to keep her face eternally smiling With her precious smile,   Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 08:14 PM
Lock down experience
By N.Nivya in True Story | Reads: 584 | Likes: 7
       Nivya, 24, a post graduate student, a very naughty and enjoyable person. Always try to be with smiling face. Whatever the situation might be, want to be with a smile and face the situation gently. This lockdown gives both happy and sad experiences for me. From this I lear  Read More...
Published on Jun 20,2020 01:45 PM
By Nabanita Bhattacharya in Poetry | Reads: 584 | Likes: 1
Remember all of us huddling together would hint at a celebration or emergency.? Not anymore.  Celebration still goes on Emergency still takes us off guard Only the huddle is missing Didn't you hear ...Hushed the huddle for they say it brings hurdles ! Hurdles of safety, hurdles of proximity, h  Read More...
Published on Jun 26,2020 12:12 AM
The actual side of muslim ummah
By Zahid Majeed in General Literary | Reads: 583 | Likes: 5
 ACTUAL SIDE OF MUSLIM UMMAH Ummah___the Arabic word ummah refers to a people or a community united by certain features that they share in common such as customs, ethnicity , history, religion  . it can often referred to the community of Muslims(ummat-e-muslimah).it is used to express the  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:54 PM
By Tanvi Nagar in Poetry | Reads: 583 | Likes: 0
Dear love, I have always wanted to understand you more,   But first of all, you must know you are the one who I most adore.   Dear love, will you stand by me through the most rugged journeys of all?   Dear love, as years pass by will you be there still standing strong?   When the  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 08:27 PM