Nabanita Bhattacharya

Writing enthusiast
Writing enthusiast

Ten Ants

By Nabanita Bhattacharya in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 371 | Likes: 1

As 'Mr. I' opened the Teak Wood flush door with the duplicate key, the first thing that greeted him was a straight line of Ten (big black) Ants. Apparently the ant army was happily walking around the house and when the door opened, they thought of checking out the visitor (read intruder).  Why  Read More...

Published on Jul 27,2020 11:40 PM


By Nabanita Bhattacharya in Poetry | Reads: 619 | Likes: 1

Remember all of us huddling together would hint at a celebration or emergency.? Not anymore.  Celebration still goes on Emergency still takes us off guard Only the huddle is missing Didn't you hear ...Hushed the huddle for they say it brings hurdles ! Hurdles of safety, hurdles of proximity, h  Read More...

Published on Jun 26,2020 12:12 AM

Galti se mistake !

By Nabanita Bhattacharya in True Story | Reads: 1,658 | Likes: 18

The restlessness in the mundane life of the newly appointed house wife changed into amazement in the wink of an eye as she stared in awe towards the balcony. From being a full time corporate employee she recently got conferred the title of a housewife..thanks to lockdown. She woke up late that day a  Read More...

Published on May 16,2020 11:01 PM

Corona cacophony

By Nabanita Bhattacharya in Poetry | Reads: 505 | Likes: 3

As long as it's not me, why care ?Oh it's still afar ! Let me indulge in leisure.Let the world speculate how to retrieve the treasure Called life back to normal. Lockdown isn't terribleIf you have a thing or two to dabble... Standing on an island alone I see the ship of hope,Unable to cope With all   Read More...

Published on May 13,2020 10:30 PM


By Nabanita Bhattacharya in Poetry | Reads: 954 | Likes: 0

I thought I can well hide the stains of last night's tears.. All I needed was to put up a smile..the frowns would scurry away. God was secretly plotting to make me walk those familiar see those known dwell in that acquainted more time. Heart missed a beat, eyes welled  Read More...

Published on May 5,2020 05:01 PM

#writeyourheartout The unmourned

By Nabanita Bhattacharya in True Story | Reads: 1,246 | Likes: 1

The unmourned  It was just another day for the residents of Splendour Apartments, Patna, until they were startled from their afternoon siesta by the blaring of the siren of a police van. Before they could comprehend what was happening, few more vehicles rushed inside the main entrance gate of t  Read More...

Published on May 2,2020 05:59 PM

Moms - oh so Bong !

By Nabanita Bhattacharya in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 796 | Likes: 1

While growing up I used to have a little doubt in my mind at times about being an adopted child ! Reason - my mother was very strict..Back then I didn't exactly understand what being strict meant.Perhaps my school student brain processed the following instances as being strict as far as my mother wa  Read More...

Published on Apr 30,2020 03:41 PM

Who let the DOGS out !

By Nabanita Bhattacharya in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 1,532 | Likes: 1

I truly appreciate and respect those people who have a cautionary notice hung outside their homes saying "BEWARE OF DOGS".It simply makes life easier. I either vow never to set foot in such houses or if I am left with no other choice but to step in, I ensure I am not alone. Further while visiti  Read More...

Published on Apr 30,2020 03:28 PM

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