By Tejaswinee Roychowdhury in General Literary | Reads: 588 | Likes: 0
“By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower.” ― Rabindranath Tagore A grim silence had descended over the neighbourhood on a cold winter morning as a fifty year old woman’s screeching wails pierced the sky. Khadija held her only child tightly to her bosom   Read More...
Published on Aug 28,2020 07:40 PM
By sneh goswami in General Literary | Reads: 587 | Likes: 1
मजबूरी स्नेह गोस्वामी वह नाजुक सी लड़की अस्पताल लाई गई । चेहरा दर्द के मारे ह्ल्दी हो गया था । प्रसव पीडा का खौफ उस  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 10:32 PM
समाज का आईना
By Mohit Sharma in General Literary | Reads: 587 | Likes: 3
आज सुबह उठकर लॉकडाउन में भी तैयार होकर में बैंक पहुंचा। अपनी कार पार्क करके मैंने ब्रांच कि तरफ़ कदम बढ़ाए तो देखा   Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 07:52 PM
I am important.
By Aquib Javed in General Literary | Reads: 587 | Likes: 2
My generation was always been judged for being weak in various ways. Be it mentally, physically or socially.But ironically in this hard time this generation is doing far better than previous ones. We can clearly see the unrest and suffocation on the faces of our elder ones at homes. They're​ reall  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 08:06 PM
The battle of cancer
By Anmol malhotra in True Story | Reads: 587 | Likes: 3
Its about 10 o clock in the morning when i was having my lunch with my parents....i am not able to eat my meal properly from a long days back  Tht day also the samething happens father and mother scolded me like other parents on not eating food , but no one knowns my inner situation even i  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 11:27 AM
Bedsheet the only Witness
By Debarshini poddar in Crime | Reads: 587 | Likes: 0
You strangulated me,Suffocated me, I could hardly breathe. Blood failed to rush into my heart,my lungs collapsed I gasped for air. Chocked vocal cord ,Voice cracked, My scratching nails on your face gradually fainted, My running legs on the bed tried it's level best, Lips dried only tear rolled down  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 09:41 PM
By Tejal Bagwe in Poetry | Reads: 587 | Likes: 2
This lockdown has been nothing but A trade of despair, an unplanned warfare. A game of politics and a fight between religion, A treat for the rich and suffering for the poor. A new day begins with a sad news everyday, Hearts aching from the deaths that have come. Working from home and online lecture  Read More...
Published on May 18,2020 12:00 PM
Future Corpse
By Rohit Dey in Poetry | Reads: 587 | Likes: 0
The 'day' awakes me up with thoughts I buried last-night, Little less of our unknown love and more of our unsolved fight. Pointing our fingers at eachother we buy us a free pride ~  "If you are right then I'm also not wrong: and if 'I' am wrong then 'You' must have tune the first song" AND It g  Read More...
Published on Jun 7,2020 11:02 AM
Sounds that Surround
By Sanjna Dang in Poetry | Reads: 586 | Likes: 0
Being kind in this world is equivalent to dumbBeing rude is often called to be funBeing seriously in love with one is like committing a crimeIf you don't date MANY you are not in your right mindBeing an extrovert,talking to anyone -that's what people doIf you are an introvert then darling "who are y  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 08:16 PM
By Tanvi Nagar in Poetry | Reads: 586 | Likes: 2
My heart aches for another breeze to brush by me gently, My road of life is shaped by the curvaceous path of destiny, My dwelling is in every creek, in every cave by the mountain side, I don’t have a solitary who keeps my secrets, in whom I confide, I am not garlanded by pearls, I am adorned b  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 08:20 PM
By Jermilla susairaj in General Literary | Reads: 586 | Likes: 1
Don't complain that you are bored these quarantine days. Don't complain that you are not able to do the things that you love to do. Don't complain that you are not able to execute the plans scheduled long ago. Don't complain it's hard to be at home all day long. Instead above all these understand th  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 11:21 PM
Travelled a thousand miles
By Janhavi in Romance | Reads: 586 | Likes: 0
With a pounding heart and the trance of breathing faster than the usual.. To spend those moments with you... To see and feel what it feels like while being in each other's close proximity.. To say things that had been long buried within... To know what those goosebumps were trying to tell me from a   Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 11:04 AM
The rise of New Era through Corona
By Swasti Dhakal Maglani in General Literary | Reads: 586 | Likes: 0
The world before few months was unknown to this pandemic Virus. Everyone was busy with what they have been doing since long.Male in indian societies were busy in earning bread and butter for the families.They were unknown to the feelings that only a bread and butter can fill the stomach but it can n  Read More...
Published on Apr 3,2020 02:09 PM
Eulogy to An Angel
By Jincy Jacob in Poetry | Reads: 586 | Likes: 1
*To a brave woman I knew*   An angel whispered, "Take my hand, And come with me; Your work here is done." Then a heart of gold stopped beating; Two twinkling eyes closed to rest. God broke our heart to prove that, He is taking the best.   I sit around and wonder, And watch as the days go b  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 04:56 PM
The staircase
By Barsha Priyadarshini in Poetry | Reads: 586 | Likes: 0
The first face off, stuck on the staircase  Not even a word,but gazing in a million ways Still  you will be you and not mine  Just like the twilight and the sunshine   The episode of staring carried on  Until a loud SNEEZE spoiled the fun Now he saw a millions staring    Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 07:19 PM