Emrys . E


People of God behind the Tamil Bible

Books by Emrys. E

The people of God behind the Tamil Bible

This book has been written from a thesis perspective, but it narrates the change made by a girl in the whole history of Bible translation. It is also written from the perspective of impact created by the people of God through one organization and one language alone. Just imagine what kind of hardwork has gone through many languages by the people of God!

It is a fascinating truth every believer s

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Books by Emrys . E


Many times in life we miss the ideal and basics of our life to look or we are led into what is the broader, impressive or expressive or something that keeps us going and greater things than the actual and basic. 

But Here with life experiences comes the Gift of Reading and how a clear thinking and genuinely reading a Book can transforms a person. It also has a historic perspective.

It is important to have a

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