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Cryptography & Network Security

Author Name: Dr. D. P. Mishra, Dr. Ramesh Kumar | Format: | Other Details

About the book: 

Network Security is one of the burning concerns for all network users and organizations. This book is specially designed for undergraduate & postgraduate students of CSE/IT/MCA. The book mainly focuses on the concepts and practical topics of cryptography and network security along with the detailed explanation

Salient Feature of the book:

•Precise and up-to-date content
•Helps Students to excel in examinations 
•It makes learning effective and fast for learners.
•Student-friendly, self-learning text written in a clear and concise format
•Each chapter contains an extensive list of subjective & objective questions 
•Covers the syllabus of Cryptography and Network Security subjects of Technical state universities -  specially CSVTU Bhilai (CG)

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Dr. D. P. Mishra, Dr. Ramesh Kumar

Dr. D. P. Mishra – is a Professor in the CSE department of  BIT Durg, he has 22+ years of experience in the academic field.  He has expertise in dealing with Networking and Security Devices used in wired and wireless networking with proficiency in the design & deployment of secure network infrastructure. 

Dr. Ramesh Kumar - is the Principal at Government Women's Polytechnic Bokaro (Jharkhand ), he is having 28+ years of experience in the academic field. He has rich experience in teaching and research for undergraduate and postgraduate programs. 

