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Author Name: Prof. Vishwajit K. Barbudhe, Dr. Bhavana S. Karmore, Prof. Shraddha N. Zanjat | Format: | Other Details

Book contain Performance characteristics of Instruments: Static characteristics, Accuracy, Precision,  Resolution, Sensitivity, static and dynamic calibration, Errors in Measurement, and their statistical analysis, dynamic characteristics-speed of Response, fidelity, Lag and dynamic error. DC ammeters, DC voltmeters-multirange, range extension/solid state and differential voltmeters, AC voltmeters –multirange, range extension. Thermocouple type RF ammeter, ohm meters, series type, shunt type, multimeter for voltage, current and resistance measurements. Oscilloscopes: Standard specifications of CRO,CRT features, derivation of deflection sensitivity, vertical and horizontal amplifiers, horizontal and vertical deflection systems, sweep trigger pulse, delay line, sync selector circuits, probes for CRO – active, passive, and attenuator type, triggered sweep CRO, and Delayed sweep, dual trace/beam CRO, Measurement of amplitude, frequency and phase (Lissajous method).Principles of sampling oscilloscope, storage oscilloscope, and digital storage oscilloscope, Digital frequency counters, time & Period measurements. Signal generators-fixed and variable, AF oscillators, function generators, pulse, random noise, sweep, and arbitrary waveform generators, their standards, specifications and principles of working (Block diagram approach).Wave analyzers, Harmonic distortion analyzers, Spectrum analyzers, and Logic analyzers. 

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Prof. Vishwajit K. Barbudhe, Dr. Bhavana S. Karmore, Prof. Shraddha N. Zanjat

Prof. V. K. Barbudhe working as Professor at Jagadambha college of Engineering and Technology for UG and PG Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering  . Total Years of Experience 11+ . He publish more than 50+ Papers in International Journals . He work as International Expert at International Conferences . He worked as a Editorial Board Members in 15+ International Journals and Reviewer in 100+ International Journals and International Conferences . Project Guided 10+ PG students and 50+ UG Students  . He publish more than 80+ Books on Electronics and Computer Engineering Subject.



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