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Paradise In Lap

Author Name: Rohan Nath & Nidhi Shukla | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

While compiling "Paradise In lap", we presented various types of poetry and micro tales in the form of prelude "Paradise In Lap".

We feel very excited and delighted. 

This book is all about a mother's lap and gratitude to all living creatures. 

Through this book, all the co-authors have tried to enlighten the words emerging from within their love and affection. 

A different aspect of life will be seen in every composition.

The way to express something somewhere, the stories of unheeded emotions will be seen. 

This book includes the opus of love for mom, Mother Nature and motherland.

Our co-authors have inscribed their emotions and feelings towards mother in this anthology "Paradise In Lap".



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Rohan Nath & Nidhi Shukla

Nidhi Shukla,

A dreamer, passionate lover and a critique,

Is masters in computer applications and poet/storyteller by passion from Ahmedabad, India.

Her ink bleeds with her magical words on paper.

She has co-authored 10+ anthologies and co-authored 1 international anthology,

She has been compiling anthologies as a compiler and looking forward to become a well-known poet in future.

You can check out her scribblings on her website: and on her Instagram ID: @rhythmicescape

Rohan Nath, 

A protest poet is a B-Tech by profession and a writer by passion from The City of Bridges Surat, India. 

He loves to scribble the inscription of pages with his magical words. Legendary revolutionaries have inspired him; he has co-authored 4 national + 1 international anthology and looking forward for more opportunities. 

You can look at his inscriptions on Instagram @_wrecked_soul_13 and @the_lost_diary_13



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