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Practical Guide to Energy Conservation & Management

Author Name: Ashok Sethuraman | Format: Paperback | Genre : Reference & Study Guides | Other Details

Practical Guide to Energy Conservation & Management propels you to pluck the low hanging fruits of energy conservation in your industry. Until now, though the fruits are visible to you, you thought that they are beyond your hands’ reach. Having done Energy Audits in more than four hundreds of industries with the BEE certification and guidance from their Guide Books, I suggest to the Field Engineers that there is plenty of scope for Energy Conservation by the condition-monitoring approach in your utility and production departments. This book will be an eye-opener for you, to instantly reduce the energy losses happening for many years and in turn, this will restore your productivity, thus giving you a pleasant surprise.

The three stages of accepting results of the Energy Study – Shock, Relief and, finally, Delight! When you have implemented energy conservation, first you will be shocked to discover the amount of energy losses overall these years. Today you feel a relief that you have reduced those losses. Tomorrow will be a delight to your team to visualize the reduction in energy consumption. This book will guide you to achieve energy conservation easily, instantly, smoothly and cost-effectively.

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Ashok Sethuraman

Er. Ashok Sethuraman, B.Sc., B.Tech. (M.I.T.) Instrument Technology has 40 years of Industry Field Experience in Projects, Maintenance, and now in Energy Conservation and Management for15 years. He has professional training and work experience in India and abroad. He went abroad recently to assess the Cleaner Production Mechanism under the World Bank Project.

He has been writing his Energy Conservation articles for over a decade in many national technical magazines like Electrical India, Cooling India, and articles in BEE, IAEMP, SEEM, etc. and in textile journals like Spinning Textile, The Textile Magazine, Indian Textile Journal, SIMA Bulletin, TECA newsletter, in the LinkedIn platform and in his – he wants to share his knowledge to save our energy now through his knowledge-sharing website. 

He conducts lectures and training programs in many Industry Associations and Engineering colleges. His detailed presentations are available in channel webinars – YouTube/energymeasuretosave Please visit the website to know more about the practical Energy Conservation Tips in the Industry, Domestic and Society. 

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