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The Preparation Cornerstone of Achievements

Author Name: Debaabrata Dharr | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Self-Help | Other Details

The preparation 

Unlock your potential with "the preparation", a transformative guide to achieving success through intentional planning and focus whether pursuing personal growth, career milestone or life goals. The book equipes you with the tools to overcome obstacles, build confidence and create a road map for success. Dive in and discover the power of preparation to shape the life you truely deserve. 



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Debaabrata Dharr

I am Debaabrata Dharr, father of two sons, husband of a beautiful lady, reared by pious parents. By profession Teacher, Trainer, Author, Mindset Expert, Investor, Founder of Mindchhat (A Personal Development Platform).

I am in a mission of transformation of 10 millions peoples' life and give them their best version of their life. 

I am thankful to you for choosing the book to Transform Your life.
Thank you

Debaabrata Dharr

