Janani Palpandi


Yes, I am a Virgin.

Books by Janani Palpandi

Every girl is expected to hold a V-card to herself in society.

What if she lets it down?

What if she is forced by society to let it down?

What if it is snatched from her?

Does that make a change in society’s perception about the girl?

What does she care about- herself or the society?

Is she still a virgin?

आणखी वाचा... Buy Now

Earth is closed now.

By Janani Palpandi in True Story | इतक्यांदा वाचलं गेलं: 444 | आवडलं: 8

Quarantine- a word I didn’t know before two months.   Nor I know the word neither I know the meaning of it. But it has become the word, which we use regularly. Even an hour doesn’t pass without that word. But I felt so happy about quarantine. Because it will break the chain of cor  आणखी वाचा...

प्रकाशनाची तारीख Apr 14,2020 12:32 PM

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