The World Is Beautiful..I Believe!! The greens, The Blues  the deserts,the blooms  the birds, the wild  the fire the Flies but  I wanna Believe in the beauty of  आणखी वाचा...
1,063 19 लाइक
I wAnna bel!eve.. be mY reAson.
By smriti in Poetry
There was a huge rush into the royal tent.The female attendents were rushing in and out, some with medicinal herbs, others with warm waters, and so on. Sounds of a l  आणखी वाचा...
1,052 1 लाइक
जब से हुआ है तेरा दीदार,  आँखें ढूंढती हैं तुझे ही हर बार,  दिल को  आणखी वाचा...
1,047 1 लाइक
इश्क़ का बुखार
It was a happies moment for me. One day at my home, I listened voice of little kids of squirrel from the corner of the room. They were crying to eat something. I wen  आणखी वाचा...
1,040 0 लाइक
Save Life of Squirrels Kids
सबसे प्यारी ,सबसे न्यारी...........  हिंदी है !कवियों की प्यारी।  जिसक  आणखी वाचा...
1,036 2 लाइक
स्नेहमयी मातृभाषा ‘हिंदी’
her innocent heart won't know the social stigmas, At a point reached before her marriage proposals Today she has to give a intro about her love.. SHE:Dad,I'm in l  आणखी वाचा...
1,034 0 लाइक
The Indian Girl
By Sai Praveen in Stories
First Love Woe is the woman, who sells her soul for love, Woe is the woman, whose love knows not her soul, Where all her tears are equal to sand, Sand that has no h  आणखी वाचा...
1,027 13 लाइक
First Love
That day along the river side Where my heart weeped and cried  Where my beloved's memories reside  Only place where my soul relied Yours and mine love knot tied    आणखी वाचा...
1,026 0 लाइक
Remembering my love!!❤️
By Ishita Patel in Poetry
I always believed that I never had time to find love in life. I admit that it's a pretty bad way to begin a story related to love with a line as nasty as that. But   आणखी वाचा...
1,025 3 लाइक
My Permanent Love
मै चाहती हूं तू मुझे मुझसे ज़्यादा चाहे टूटू मै तो तू भी बिखर जा  आणखी वाचा...
1,023 0 लाइक
मैं चाहती हूं।
By Ruchita in Poetry
"Wait. What? Seriously? Today is our engagement, I just can't believe it. Can you please come over and pinch me, I still feel that this is all a dream going on." And  आणखी वाचा...
1,020 1 लाइक
थोड़ा खुदगर्ज बनते हैं!! चलो थोड़ा खुदगर्ज बनते हैं,  अब दूसरों   आणखी वाचा...
1,017 0 लाइक
थोड़ा खुद गरज बनते हैं!!
By advika gupta in Poetry
          Let Faith Be Your Guide BY:- SUNIL SACHWANI               I woke up this morning with a prayer in my heart. I wanted God to grant  आणखी वाचा...
1,014 0 लाइक
நீ மரமாக இருந்தால் , உன்னுடைய நிழல் போதும், என்னுடைய நிஜத்திற  आणखी वाचा...
1,013 2 लाइक
நீ வருவாய் என
By radhika in Poetry
थोड़ा खुदगर्ज बनते हैं!! चलो थोड़ा खुदगर्ज बनते हैं, अब दूसरों क  आणखी वाचा...
1,003 0 लाइक
थोड़ा खुद गरज बनते हैं!!
By advika gupta in Poetry