General Literary

By Deekshitha in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 1,004 | लाइक: 1
HOPE. This is something which makes each one of us to look forward for a better tomorrow , kick-start the day with a positive outlook , Get healed quick and, Most importantly,  Making the present happy. Hope is the beacon of light in this silhouette world. During these times of intense darkness  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 30,2020 01:13 AM
By Anto in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 583 | लाइक: 0
The world is such a beautiful place to live for all the living species. We can keep a rover on the surface of the moon and come back without many hurt feelings but we can’t keep our fish globe there with all the apparatuses and sufficient amenities for that fish to survive. Because the earth i  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 30,2020 03:17 AM
The hope still burns bright
By Ishika in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 301 | लाइक: 1
Slowly opening my eyes, I moved my fingers and stretched my feet. It felt weirdly satisfying. I looked around the room and found my sisters on the far left corner of the room. I smiled at their faces, adorned with masks and their bodies wrapped in heavy safety gear. My eyes filled with tears as I lo  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 30,2020 09:04 AM
Lockdown Diaries - Week 1
By Sonia Keswani in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 410 | लाइक: 0
COVID just began in our country:  Well,in the wake of COVID'19,does anyone even care which caste, creed or color do we belong to? Prayers, treatments and help involving everyone just as humans. Isn't it nature's own way to make us realize the importance of love,respect & brotherhood to safe  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 30,2020 09:53 AM
Ask Roses !
By Kunal Kotecha in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 327 | लाइक: 1
ASK ROSES !          The sun is brightening good. The so golden rays are delighting the sunflower petals. There is a cute dog of street, snoring deeply in an unwonted way. The chirping of sparrows, going for a business, is an addition to the morning cheer. A sweet tinkle of   आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 30,2020 01:16 PM
Welcome Home!
By Shwetha S Chetty in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 902 | लाइक: 4
“Oh I don’t seem to hear anything much, over these past few days, do you?”, asked the shiny long-snouted dolphin Maria to her playmate Andrea. "No, I don’t either", said Andrea and jumped up and splashed into the sparkling water with joy. "Andrea, let’s go and see, c&rs  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 30,2020 01:34 PM
By butfirstparty! in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 832 | लाइक: 0
Remember that time when you hugged your ownself and kissed on your hands?! That last time you wiped your own tears and laughed for the lamest joke you cracked. That crazy time when you behaved like an idiot not caring about the people arround. That time when you wore your favourite faded pajama and   आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 30,2020 02:35 PM
It's all around u
By NAVYA ANIL in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 356 | लाइक: 0
It's not too complicated neither is it too simple to understand but if you have being through this stage in your life or your going through it then it's a piece of cake. I hope i get to convey it with all its essence.  The most probable thing u would be facing now would be doubting yourself, of  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 30,2020 03:17 PM
An unbearable truth
By rutuja prashant patil in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 667 | लाइक: 17
                         An unbearable truth.....                             It was one of the most relishable night in my life. I was sitting silently on an a  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 30,2020 04:24 PM
നേടിയെടുത്ത നഷ്ട്ടം........
By Jilu George in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 724 | लाइक: 0
ഓർമ വെച്ച കാലം മുതൽ മനസ്സിലിട്ട് താലോലിക്കുന്നത് കൊണ്ടാവും അവനെന്ന സ്വപ്നം അവളിൽ അത്രമേൽ പടർന്നു കയറിയത്.ഇന്  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 30,2020 04:27 PM
നേടിയെടുത്ത നഷ്ട്ടം........
By Jilu George in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 279 | लाइक: 1
ഓർമ വെച്ച കാലം മുതൽ മനസ്സിലിട്ട് താലോലിക്കുന്നത് കൊണ്ടാവും അവനെന്ന സ്വപ്നം അവളിൽ അത്രമേൽ പടർന്നു കയറിയത്.ഇന്  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 30,2020 04:29 PM
The doorbell
By Deepa Ravi in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 968 | लाइक: 2
I woke up to the sound of Abhi arguing with someone over the intercom. Sigh. This had become a regular feature ever since our return from our honeymoon. I heard Abhi bang the phone down and waited for him to come into the room. He walked in with a scowl, but when he saw that I was awake, he tried to  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 30,2020 04:34 PM
Meaning of life
By Deepanshi in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 516 | लाइक: 0
What is life? Life is a "strategy" for attaining the grand goal in living. This strategy will specify what you must do, as you go about your daily activities, to maximize your chances of gaining the things in life that you take to be ultimately valuable.  Life is a "journey" with all the diffe  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 30,2020 04:41 PM
Considerate Opinion
By Ramu Upadhaya in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 320 | लाइक: 0
Considerate Opinion   Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled his State with muscle and gun powers. The tentacle of sabre-rattling spread far and wide. With each of the succeeding years giving birth to a new group led by a leader, there was an easy resurrection of Lust Group for power. As   आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 30,2020 04:41 PM
Be Happy
By Ritun Mishra in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 250 | लाइक: 0
When the wilderness of isolation Creates panic or havoc in our head,  Let ponder over some positivities that we stand oblivion to..  1. Parents are Hap'py to get at least a call from the child who Was always busy.. 2.A Wife is Happy that her busy husband has time to sit with her..  3.  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 30,2020 05:16 PM