
The Forever Happiness
By Amulya Prakash in Romance | वाचलं गेलेलं: 420 | लाइक: 1
It was a day when her eyes was blurred though the vision was alright. It was blurred because of the tears that was filled in the eyes.Dhwani was wailing remembering the old days in which she was with her family spending the happiest time, sharing the infinite love with her parents. She is now lonely  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 9,2020 10:39 PM
First Love❤️
By bhagyashree in Romance | वाचलं गेलेलं: 433 | लाइक: 0
First love: Sumedh couldn't forget her. It was already ten years, he still remember that day.     Shruti was love of his life, right from school days. They were best of friends. Their love story was known by every single guy in that school. It was their board exam result day. Shruti   आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 9,2020 11:10 PM
Life is very beautiful
By Swati Thakur in True Story | वाचलं गेलेलं: 294 | लाइक: 0
In my life I experience my thinks like love trust respect but I learned from my life that no-one it's you to encourage yourself live for yourself because there is only one life which never comes if somebody say you are bad tell them you are good and bad for yourself not for others always think mirac  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 9,2020 11:34 PM
By M.Ragavi in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 668 | लाइक: 3
“Greetings Miss Avni, we have received your application. Shall we discuss the payment procedures?”  Say it Avni, just say it! “Hello?, Are you there?” “I-I quit” There. It’s over. Years of struggle pleading to people. Childhood aspiration. And most impo  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 10,2020 12:15 AM
Are you happy? Are you human?
By Sanil Yadav in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 443 | लाइक: 0
One of the greatest American authors once said….“No human being can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality.” - Shirley JacksonFor me, personally, the above quote makes a lot of sense and gives a new perspective to view life.The first question that c  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 10,2020 12:31 AM
Lockdown 2020
By Sanil Yadav in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 529 | लाइक: 0
On Dec 31, 2019, the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) China office received the first reports of an unknown virus behind a number of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, a city in Eastern China.Where we stand?What started as an epidemic mainly limited to China has now become a truly global pandemic. As   आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 10,2020 12:36 AM
My 40 Days in France
By Sanil Yadav in Travel | वाचलं गेलेलं: 710 | लाइक: 0
Living independently for the first time at my MBA college hostel, I had a grueling and taxing first 4 months in Ghaziabad with extended lectures, assignments, sleepless nights and of course partying. The last exam of the term was over and we rushed to our rooms to pack our bags because we were heade  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 10,2020 12:41 AM
Falling in love, AGAIN!
By Sanil Yadav in Romance | वाचलं गेलेलं: 360 | लाइक: 0
I’m your regular, average looking guy next door. Well, that is after I have had my share of one-night stands, hook ups, flings and girlfriends during my 20s. My idea of a relationship has always been movies, dinners and sex involving no emotional attachment unless demanded. While I was foolin  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 10,2020 12:53 AM
Last wish to the angel of death
By Santosh Joseph in Thriller | वाचलं गेलेलं: 379 | लाइक: 1
As the long wait was about to end, Sam waited at the bus stand as the bus was about to arrive in around ten minutes. They were together since primary school, Jeff went to England as his father had to shift due to business downfall. It was almost fifteeny years since they saw each other and the wait   आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 10,2020 12:55 AM
The Wishing Star
By Rajalakshmi Azariah in Poetry | वाचलं गेलेलं: 402 | लाइक: 0
The greys of the late evening Shone upon the misty grass Clouds hovering around Ready to break any time. He smiled as he was enveloped In the warmth of the clouds Beholding the serene mountains, The heart savouring the stillness. Reflections galore, in the whispering night, If only I had a wishing  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 10,2020 02:48 AM
Live Your Dream!
By Rajalakshmi Azariah in Poetry | वाचलं गेलेलं: 256 | लाइक: 0
Live your dream, now is the timeLight up the torchLet it burn brightLighting up the pathSweep away the cobwebs Open up the doorsUshering in the colors of lifeVaried as the rainbowThe freshness of the morning dewCool, soothing breezeLighten up your spirits Uplift your soulBow before the Su  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 10,2020 02:54 AM
What's your identity? Let's find out
By parneet kaur in Western | वाचलं गेलेलं: 1,116 | लाइक: 0
You have your identity, when you find out, not what you can keep your mind on but what you can't keep your mind off.You have your identity, which makes other people think that you are unwelcomed in their mind.You have your identity, that keeps on marking at your best,and still thrive you to excell m  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 10,2020 03:08 AM
Our Today
By Paul Reji George in Poetry | वाचलं गेलेलं: 667 | लाइक: 0
Today I experienced a moment in which I saw, touched, heard, smelt, and tasted an unforgettable yet non-recurring fraction from my life.  It's those moments that will become redundant the next day yet are unique and precious when they occur now. I knew exactly what I was indulging in yet gave i  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 10,2020 03:52 AM
Not You
By tanzil sayyed in Romance | वाचलं गेलेलं: 327 | लाइक: 1
She always told me how much of she loved night.How she always wanted to spend an entire night out of her house just gazing at the sky full of gleeming stars.One night I somehow took her out.She told me to take her to the tallest tower so that she would be able to see everything from up there,I follo  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 10,2020 05:34 AM
Earth Concert
By Saba Saleem in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 637 | लाइक: 0
Nowadays, environmentalist, atmosphere lover, enthusiast are supporting Earth Day for a cause and environmental protection. This is the story of the day of reflection. He (Emmo) represented his chasm and intellect to rest of the world. A busy entity who made a lot of appearances all over the place a  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 10,2020 05:52 AM